My boyfriend and I are going travelling around the world soon. Without sounding resentful, I am giving up a lot more than he is in order to do this.....i.e. great job, close friends, etc. There is one big thing worrying me while we will be away.....I do not, under any circumstances, want to get pregnant. I refuse to take the pill because of possible side effect, so while we have been living here, we have relied on condoms only, and so far they have been very effective. The thing is, would it be fair to put a s*x ban on him for the time that we are away? It would kill me to have to give up everything here, and perhaps fall pregnant during our travels (cos we all know condoms aren't 100% effective), and then have to come home a lot sooner than expected. At lease if we weren't having s*x, I wouldn't have to worry about this happening. I haven't discussed it with my boyfriend yet, but please tell me honestly, is this a reasonable suggestion or not?