
Would this be awkward for anybody?

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Is it awkward for the girl when a guy tells a girl that she is beautiful or good looking or somthing?




  1. sometimes. I was in a group of my friends and a random guy came up to me and started telling me he thought I was gorgeous. And I was mildly freaked out. Needless to say, we all ran away giggling.

  2. nahh it shouldnt be. usually she would just say, thank you! but i mean it really depends on who you are telling this to. some girls dont like it. but others absolutely love it!

  3. i think it depends on the girl. if the girl is kind of shy and quiet, it might be a little awkward for her to hear that at first, but she would like to hear it. girls can be really insecure when it comes to their looks, so when a guy tells them that they're beautiful, it comes as a surprise. it's always nice to hear though!

    if you think that a girl is really beautiful though, you should tell her. just make sure the timing is right (:

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