
Would this be child abuse?

by Guest64202  |  earlier

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My brothers (17) girlfriend(15) came to visit and stayed for about a month. She is always an instigator and created a big argument. My brother and mother agreed and asked her to leave. when she didn't my mother demanded she leave. Now her father called my mother saying hes charging her with child abuse! Now I know they shouldn't be dating in the first place, so please no comments on that, but is what my mom did wrong?

Noone Physically touched her, and the abuse was not them sleeping together because he let my brother live at his house almost unsupervised for about 3 months




  1. no he can't do anything

  2. It depends.  Did she leave?  If so, where did she go after that happened?

    Adults have a legal duty to provide adequate shelter for any child under their care.  If the mom kicked her out and she spent the night out on the streets, then yes, it could be considered abuse.  But unless she was harmed in some way from the experience, I doubt a DA would waste his time with such a ridiculous claim.  

  3. Basically, you already know that your brother is guilty of statutory rape.  But, being that her father approved of the relationship and housed your brother for 3 mth.s make it hard for him to prosecute your brother in court.  As for you mother and child abuse way.  She did not abuse the girlfriend.  No one knows what she told her dad (probably a lie).  And if anything the father would probably get in trouble because the girl is suppose to be in his custody she's still a minor.

  4. Jeesh.  You already know she instigates (lies?) at your end.  Hence.. she lied at the other end.  This is a surprise?

    She was a guest in your home, and due to conflict, her welcome mat was pulled out from under her.  Telling dad she was "abused" is her way to get back at your mom, for setting boundaries.

    I suspect dad is one of those who believes anything he is told/ hears, and never bothers to check things out.  He's a nut case to begin with for allowing your brother to stay there (not a comment on your brother, just it is a dumb thing to do).  And he lets a 15 yr old daughter stay at YOUR house.

    Telling someone else's child, to get their instigating rear end home, is not abuse.


    brother is not liable for statutory rape or dating underage girls.  HE is underage, himself.  People sure don't read well.

  5. no thats not child abuse. hes just being a daddy defending her, when he hears the whole story he  would likely change his mind. its like when parents throw a fit about their kid being suspended

  6. Not at all, if she was causing a disturbance then your mother did the right thing to demand her to leave.

  7. From a lawyer.  Your mother cannot be charged with child abuse by asking a 15 year old to leave.  

  8. First of all, if anybody should be charged with failure to properly care for a child, it's this girl's dad. She is underage. She should not be dating someone who is 17 and the likelihood that your brother will be brought up on charges is excellent, given that this man sounds like a nut case. The dad most certainly should not have allowed his underage daughter to travel with a 17-year old to visit people that the dad doesn't know.

    Given that the girl is a minor, she was for all intents and purposes in the care of your mother, who is the only adult in the picture from what you describe. By kicking the girl out of the house, your mother may have caused problems for the kid, who as a kid, does not have the means or methods of getting home, taking care of herself, etc.

    Advise your mother to set your brother straight about dating underage girls, much less bringing them home to her. Your brother and your mom both stand to make worlds of problems for themselves.

    In the meantime, I would imagine that the girl's dad is ranting and raving for show. I hope your mom doesn't lose any sleep over it.

  9. why shouldn't they be dating? hmmmm anyway why are these kids playing house under their parents noses? go home young woman and stay home young man! It is not child abuse to kick her out.

  10. absolutely not. her dads delusional

  11. It is not child abuse. She did nothing wrong and it was okay for your mother to ask her to leave, it was HER house. Your brother's ex-girlfriend's father does not have a case.

  12. Actually, the father could be charged with child neglect if he knew she was living with him.  It is the father's responsibility to know where the child is and not in danger.  

    Secondly, the father does NOT charge anyone.  The father would have to file a police report.  If the police decide to file a police report, then an officer or detective will request to speak to everyone.  If no one broke the law, nothing will happen.  If someone did break the law, then the officer could submit his report to the DA/Prosecutor's office for them to review the case and see if they would like to press charges.  If so, then the officer or detective would obtain an arrest warrant and arrest the suspect.

    So, bottom line....the prosecutor has the final say and if the father does not make a police report, nothing will happen.

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