
Would this be compatible?

by  |  earlier

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right now i have a texas about 4in. with 2 tilapia buttikoferi both about 1 1/2 in. and a botia robusta about 6 in in a 55...the botia owns the aquarium so to speak he chases EVERYONE out of his area but im looking to get a younger green terror aswell and upgrade to a 75 or 100 gal. aquarium...would this work?? i would upgrade the aquarium again as they grow even bigger past the 8-9 in mark but this would be ok for a while right?




  1. yes this will work for now but so you know the botia isn't going to be in charge for long the buttikoferi will take over as the kings in the tank but they wont overly bother anyone unless they bother them they also love big snails if you watch as the get a little bigger you will notice they have one very large red tooth it is for breaking up snail shells but works to scale oscars also

    to explain I had and oscar that was about 5 inches I introduced the buttikoferi when it was about 3 inches the oscar proceeded to show him who the boss was 2 days later the oscar was scaleless on one side and never bothered the buttikoferi again

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