
Would this be considered as being fashionable & trend setting "Please help"?

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If a person...

(1) Had all there clothes Professionally Made just for them.

(2) All of there clothes was "One-of-A-Kind. (Nothing like in the stores)

(3) And they up-dated there entire wardrobe with each session (4 times a years) throwing out (or giving away) there last sessions clothes. So they never wear any thing that was more then 3 mouths old.

Would that be considered as being a fashionable & trend setting person or would all of that not matter if there clothes did not have "Brand Name Designer Logos" on them?




  1. It would NOT. I will tell you why. Fashionable is subjective and unless you were a fashion designer( like me ) and could predict what would be fashionable,you would have to wait to see the fashionable trends. Then, you could make your own clothing to be fashionable, per the times, or current trends.

    Fashionable: Means a look of dress or clothing that is popular with a certain group of people at a certain period. for instance Chains hanging around the waist of rock stars is fashionable to them. But not to other groups.  

    Now trendsetting is much more complicated. Most trends are set in today's society by movie stars, rock stars and major clothing companies via, large publicity campaigns. If they catch on with a large number of consumers, this is the turning point in which they become trend-setting? For instance, today in LA, most companies are making screen printed t-shirts with complicated prints with logos and designs to cover the whole shirt. It is the new LA chic look. Plus they are using complicated stone-washing and dying process to make jeans look faded and giving new and exciting shades.

    So lets say you wanted to look fashionable and trend setting in LA and you will make all your own clothes by hand? Where would you buy the blank t-shirts? and where would you get them screen-printed? where would you come up with the design prints that are yours only? how would you get the screen-printer to make sure he uses the right colors on your designs.

    You would basically be a fashion designer if your clothes are one of a kind. If you were not, you would have to hire someone. You would have to trust that he or she was good and knows how to design and make fashionable clothes for you. And trend setting is really imposable, unless you plan to stand out on the corner with a sign saying, " hi, my name is so and so and I am wearing the  hottest trendy clothes, so start wearing clothes like me". Or you would have to be a rock star or movie star that a lot of people would emulate in dress.

    Furthermore, it would be very expensive and complicated. For instance, it takes about 12 to 15 pieces of cut fabric ( patterns ) to make a basic men's dress shirt not including buttons. Then it would take about 3 different sewing machines that do different jobs, like hem, put on the buttons, make the button holes, etc. which are large and cost around $1,500 each. The only people that own them are professional clothing contractors, tailors and seamstresses. There is much more but, I think you get the point.

    However, I would suggest something, which I do myself. I could make all my own clothing but, I don't have the time. So, this is what I do. I buy clothing I like and alter it with little bits of individuality. I get a cotton white dress shirt from a department store of good quality. I take it to my tailor and seamstress friends with the machines and skills. I tell them to put darts in areas to make the shirts fitted. I let them sew on motif I get from the fabric stores, or kool patches. I change the cuffs and collars or pockets.

    I do the same with pants. I buy jeans that fit and have much the fading and color I want, and I add motif and trim. I might hem or buy longer and put a special design feature.

    It will separate me from the masses and make me look fashionable and unique. I make sure I buy what is called, "Staple" pieces.they are clothes like, denim, leather, suede, with colors in black, brown, and gray. They will always be hot and interchangeable with future trends.

    Lastly, It today's clothing market, brand names in clothing are hard to come by. The business is so competitive and so on, companies are here today, then gone tomorrow. So  brand names will not always make you fashionable for what it is worth.

    If you are rich, buy the clothing of a major designer like Calvin Klein, Versace, Hugo Boss and you will always be fashionable. But, it will cost you and be less headache.

    I hope this helps your fashionable question?

  2. It doesn't have to have the designer logos.

  3. lets c. not really trend setting, but maybe fashionable unless eberything they get made is ugly. u can add a little store style with it. if u r getting your cloths professionally made. dont throw them away. give them back to the semstres to change or recycle for your next look. honestly i dont think its that fashionable. most fashion people dont get rid of anything, they just update. brand name doesnt always matter

  4. totally wud b if people were copying the clothes.

  5. No it wouldn't be. It would just mean they have expensive clothes which fit them perfectly and spend loads on clothes.

    Fashion is dictated by society. Basically what looks good and other people want to wear or imitate. Doesn't necessarily have to be brand named designers either. Its basically a look. One piece does not make fashion.  

  6. pretty hit and miss for setting trends. It takes a while

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