
Would this be considered as sexual harrasment? Would he have a case?

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I am doing a project for the book The Catcher in the Rye. One of the questions is that "Would Holden have a case from the Mr. Antolini incident?

Here is what the book says happens:

" I woke up all of a sudden. I don't know what time it was or anything, but I woke up. I felt something on my head, some guys hand. Boy, it really scared h**l out of me. What it was, it was Mr. Antolini's hand. What he was doing was, he was sitting on the floor right next to the couch, in the dark and all, and he was sort of petting me or patting me on the goddam head.Boy Ill bet I jumped about a thousand feet."

- catcher in the rye.

Would this be considered sexual harrasment or something? Would it make a case thanksss




  1. It would be a start of a case, but probably not enough in itself.

    Holden would need to tell Mr Antolini that he did not appreciate the attention. If it persisted after that, Holden would need to report it to HR or Mr Antolini's or his own supervisor (assuming that wasn't Mr Antolini). Businesses have some right to try to correct a situation.

    And, document, document, document. (On July 15, 1952, ME Antolini put his hand on my hair and petted me, even after I asked him to stop.)

    But I don't think there was sexual harrassment statutes at the time the book was written or when it was supposed to take place, the the "cop out" answer is also "no." Besides, statute has run.

  2. Well yes and no. If Holden wanted to try he probably wouldn't win.

    Mr. Antolini wasn't trying for anything sexual, it was more of a comforting thing like a parent would do to a sick child.

    You also have to remember the whole premise of Catcher in the Rye and think about what skew Holden is putting on the events. You can't take everything for face value.

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