
Would this be considered offensive?

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ok. i'm slightly worried about something that probably is nothing because i worry a lot lol.

i was helping my team mate at work put up shelves. she was asking me to stand behind her to see if she had the shelf even. i had someone talking to me from my walkie talkie, i had someone talking in my other ear, and i was flustered and couldn't get directions out 'left, right', that kind of thing, and when she asked me what side i lightly tapped her on the shoulder and said this side. i'm not a touchy feel-y person outside my family because i know there's a thin line, and i apologized to her later i was like 'sorry, didn't mean to touch you but i got flustered and couldn't get the words out'.

do you think that lightly tapping someone on the shoulder like that could be considered offensive or am i worrying too much?

thanks if you could understand my question if you read this far !!




  1. I think you are worrying too much! I don't think she was offended, or at least she should not have been. Now had you smacked her in the behind to tell her what direction to go there would be a reason to feel guilty!

  2. Not even the most uptight person would be offended by that. so don't worry about it.  I don't like being touched at work or by aquaintances  but, this dosn't count at all as a violation of personal space or work conduct. If she didn't anwser you it's because she probably didn't really know what you were apologizing for.  

  3. forget about it its like nothing! as long as she was ok with it

  4. If anyone thinks a tap on the shoulder is offensive then they have mental problems. No you weren't out of line.

  5. I think it would depend on culture as much as anything. There is so much fuss made (in my opinion) about touching people, it has made for a very cold society. On the other hand, some people are not happy to be touched by anyone... ever!

    If it were me, I wouldn't be offended. It sounds like you were being overloaded and you responded to her in the best way you could, given the circumstances. I think it would have been worse if you had not responded to her question at all. In the end, if she was okay with it, you should be too.

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