
Would this be considered sexist

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A group of boys openly and loudly talking about girls' body parts and constantly referring to words like *** and ****, it makes it seem we are looked at as objects, would this be considered rude/sexist to you?

and say if you're a female or male




  1. MALE

    For every one of those guys there's a girl workin her **** and ***, you don't have to follow your magazines and trends.  

    It's sexist to judge men for doing that while holding women innocent for dressing to accentuate their curves, lets be realistic here.

    Women and men objectify themselves and each other and I'm not looking forward to the day when the PC thought police finally do outlaw it.

  2. I am female, and I think that it is unfair to just stereotype boys as talking about boys parts with slang, when I know a fair amount of women who do that also.  Is that then just slang or sexist?  To me, I think it is slang....body parts where given names, and slang names...but they are still names for body parts....not necessarily sexist.  If it was one gender who used those terms then maybe, but in fairness it isn't

  3. All too common immaturity.

  4. Well, girls sometimes talk about boys like that as well.  It's just the way people do talk when they are with a group of the same s*x.  I wouldn't let it worry you too much.  

  5. Do you know why women cant drive?

    Cause theres no road between the kitchen and the bedroom.


    that one cracks me up everytime.

    Theres sexcism for ya. (i am not a sexcist, I give women the outmost respect, and love. I just said that joke and the bwaha part, to show you what sexcism is.)

  6. It is more than sexists.  Speaking to women like that is barbaric.  But please remember, very few young fellows receive and grow up with  a healthy, realistic attitude about females.  We learn it via lies told in back alleys, street corners, and locker rooms.

  7. Well of course, duh.

  8. Male.

    I would not use the word "sexist" to describe every situation where people of one s*x talk in a derogatory manner about the other.  It happens both ways, all the time.  This kind of talk is either immature, accidently rude, or deliberately rude, but it is also far more common younger people.  It is actually a way of passing off insecurity and shows an inability to be socially appropriate.  It can also be a form of testing boundaries and assessing how much they can go beyond social norms.  There is rarely any seriously belief that women are inferior, and that in itself is not sexism.  

    When you get down to it, the fact that it is a female object in the conversation is unimportant: it is the general rudeness that is more important, along with the obvious objectification.  Were it a bunch of girls, with allusions to male parts, my reaction would be the same: this is rude, but not sexist as such.

  9. If its young boys/teenagers then no I just think its normal teenage behaviour.  If the boys are older, then no.  I just think its normal male behaviour.  I have done this sort of think about blokes over the years, although not recently.  I am female.  

  10. naw its sexcist if its like said in public..... if its just some school kids just leave em. Sexcist wud be like saying woman shud be at home cooking or sumthing.... The boys were just talking.. leave them be... no big deal

  11. Most guys are like that. Technically it is, but since it's so common it's usually not looked upon as sexist.

  12. Yes, what ever made you doubt that it wasn't. They are just immature and need to grow up. Real men don't talk like that around ladies.  

  13. you have a lot to learn li'l girl & uh, NO it's not sexist or rude.  

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