
Would this be considered social anxiety?

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I get headaches a lot. and i'm not sure why. i keep most of my work done in my classes and all, and i'm quiet in class and know a bunch of ppl well enough to where i don't feel like, lost, but it's just, even if i know them all, i don't like being in large groups. i get nervous and will usually feel sick. the thought of large groups makes me nausious and i don't understand why. i'm shy and really short and insecure, but i'm fine with my girlfriend, or even with josh(a freind of mine i've known for ever) but i still get like intimated almost in big groups, sometimes to the point of crying just wanting to off in an empty room.

Could this be what's causing all my headaches? is there anything i can do about it? i've tried a bunch of thing, like trying to get more confidence and stuff, but nothing works. i don't mean to be anti-social, it just works out that way.

any suggestions? i hate having to go to school. tomottorw's friday, and i'm not looking forward to it, i have tests and a bunch of work do, most of which i'm behind on cause i missed yesterday from oversleeping. >.< help?




  1. I would have to say yes. I have generalized anxiety disorder and solial anxiety disorder and I only feel comfortable around select few people like my husband, and family. Sometimes even if the family gets together and its a large group I still tend to become overwhelmed by all the people. Everytime I go out to dinner I end up with an anxiety attack because I like to cry when anxious and so I hold it in and then just break down afterwards. If I were you, I would say your best option would be to see a doctor, i know thats a typical answer, but they can rate how bad your anxiety is. If it is interfering with social stuff and school its definitley something that needs to be treated especially before it gets even more out of hand. there are medications you can take that will help you to relax otherwise they can suggest different types of therapy that can get to the bottom of why you are socially anxious. GOod luck!

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