
Would this be dangerous for me to do?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16 and I'm planning on taking extra strength caffeine pills and coffee. The pills have about 450mg in it. Would that be too much? Which one would give me the most energy?




  1. You shouldn't have more than 500 to 600 mg a day which is equal to seven cups of coffee, otherwise you might experience Restlessness, anxiety irritability, muscle tremors, sleeplessness, headaches nausea, diarrhea or other gastrointestinal problems, abnormal heart rhythms. It also depends if you have a caffeine sensitivity. I wouldn't say it's dangerous but getting addicted to the caffeine pills might be.

  2. The *median* lethal dose is about 10g. It can go either way. 2g could kill some people.

    450 mg is dangerous to take at once, an ordinary dose from a cup of coffee or a regular caffeine pill is about 100 mg. What ever you do, don't take more than 450 mg at once. You might have anxiety attacks or even damage your heart.

  3. If you ask a question like that.

    The answer is yes

  4. I have took energy pills, yeah they work for about an hour then you start feeling like ****!!!  From personal experince I wouldn't do it.  Energy pills to the same as taking coke-caine or just speed in general they are no different than the harsh drugs you see killing people they are just legal.  You are young also it would most likley make you O.D so if you are going to do it don't drink coffee with them and just take like one every so often, but not as much as it calls for.  Please don't take a risk like that.  The energy drinks and the pills can make you fell a drug test for antiseptimenes. Look it up if you don't beleive me or call the clinic the number is (276)963-3554 Ask for nursing or Micheal.

  5. 450mg is a lot of caffeine

  6. Oh, no- in fact, I'd say that's a perfectly healthy amount to supplement your diet.

    In fact, you could probably get away with another pill, if you're really feeling slow. Caffeine's a great pick-me-up, the more the better!

  7. yes it can harm you... yes it can be fatal with as little as 2000 mgs.  Anything over 300 mgs can cause caffeine intoxication which can throw your heart into a dangerous arhythmia, cause significant aggitation, alter sleep patterns, cause  mania, depression, lapses in judgment, disorientation, loss of social inhibition, delusions, hallucinations, psychosis, rhabdomyolysis, and even death.

    check out the links below... and be safe.

  8. To many caffine pills can be dangerous. You will get addicted to it if you take it everyday for a while. If you have heart problems then DONT take them!!!!!! you WILL have to go to the hospital or even die. Its kinda like a jumpstart to the heart in a way. NOT GOOD.

    Drink some enerygy drinks or buy some energy bars.

  9. since ur only 16, i wouldnt want to get myself hooked on caffine pills n the like. like drugs, u will have withdrawls once u start useing them. As u get older, coffee wont affect u as strongly. so just dont take them...

  10. Are you planning on doing this regularly, or for a one-time study session? What is the purpose of you needing more energy? I mean once might not be that bad... although you could risk a lot of things, esp if your body is sensitive (like mine). You could lose sleep, which obviously is bad for school the next day, you could develop anxiety, etc. Please be good to your body! :)

  11. well i am a major caffeine junky and 16 and i buy pure caffeine off internet and have about a 500mg a day, most iv had was 2grams (2000mg) i was dizzy and had blured vision and felt high but leathal dose is about 10 grams so its cool!

  12. Caffiene is one of the most dangerous drugs ever... You will probably go into shock if you do that. I don't know why you ever would

  13. Here are some caffeine facts to help you dose correctly.

    Oral Caffeine Dosages

    Threshold 10 - 20 mg

    Common 50 - 150 mg

    Strong 150 - 400 mg

    Heavy 400 + mg

    Lethal3-20 grams oral (estimated, see below)

    LD50 (Lethal Dose*)192 mg/kg in rats

    Onset : 5 - 10 minutes

    Duration : 1.5 - 5 hours

    Normal After Effects : up to 24 hours

    Be careful it isn't as hard as you may think to OD on caffeine tablets. People have died from it. "Please Note: Caffeine in concentrated forms such as pills or powders can accidentally be taken in sufficient quantities to cause vomiting, unconsciousness, and death. A single box of Vivarin or No-Doze (US Products) can be fatal if taken at one time. Although possible with coffee or other strongly caffeinated drink, it generally requires much more awareness of the large dosage before dangerous levels are reached."

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