We have this really good friend that housesits for this wealthy couple every summer. The owners of the house said that he could invite anyone over that he wanted, as long as they didn't trash the house, and they cleaned up after themselves, etc. Last summer we went over there and had a cookout and used their pool and pretty much had a great time. Our friend told us that we'd have to do this every year. He mentioned it again this past winter that he couldn't wait til summer when he housesat again and we can all go swimming again. Well I found out yesterday that he's housesitting again, and I've been wanting to go swimming all summer and haven't yet. Should I wait for our friend to invite us or can we just show up? I want to go over there soooo bad but my husband says we should wait until he calls us. I don't want to sit around the house all day today waiting for him to "maybe" call us. Is there a polite way for us to call him and invite ourselves over? or hint around ?