
Would this be mean?? Need help quick!!!?

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my friend refuses to get over a girl

would it be mean to tell him that he stays stuck on girls so long because he enjoys the sympathy and attention he gets from complaining to others?




  1. nope, your just being a good friend by telling him :)

  2. no, it's called being blunt.  he may get mad but he will probably realize what he does and will get over her quicker.

  3. it would be real nd it may hurt his feelings

  4. he nay get mad at you, but i dont think its *mean* exactly. i think itll just hurt his feelings. but if hes a good friend, then he'll understand without getting hurt

  5. Start out by saying, "No ofense, but I think that you stay stuck on girls..." He will porbably get mad but he'll get over it and he might stop.

    I Hope helped!!

  6. You can tell him that just try to rephrase it so it sounds nicer and he wont be offended.

  7. It would be rather a slap in the face for him, but, he may need it. And sometimes, when we say something they refuse to believe is true, they'll fix it just to prove us wrong. =)

    That just amuses me so much.

    I have several friends who are almost painfully blunt all the time, but, I always know who to go to for the truth about something I'm doing. Being blunt can be good, but it can also be very hurtful. Be careful about the way you present this to him. Maybe rephrase your statement. But do be blunt, it takes that sometimes for someone to realize they're doing something wrong.

    Good luck. =)

  8. don't say that, ask him if he thinks that might be the case. it gives him somethin' to think about

  9. IF you say "You are stuck on girls so long because you want attention and sympathy." he will take it as an insult. You do not want to offend him, only tell him to kindly suck it up! So instead why not make it a bit of a joke? Next time he is mourning over a girl and trying to gain attention/sympathy, you jokingly say "C'mon man! You can't sereously still be stuck on the same girl from like. . . 10 YEARS AGO!!!!!!" If he laughs a little it means he got the message. IF he gives you the evil eye it means it is time for you to shut up and drop it- you can try again another day!

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