
Would this be right?

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let's say a sixteen year old girl gets pregnant. a girl who was never taught any better because her own parents are lowlifes. for about two seconds the girls mother finds god and forces the girl to have the baby she doesn't want and worst of all forces her to drop out of high school and to forget about 'silly college dreams' (btw, this girl also had a scholarship to a great college). the girls mother uses the child to force her daughter to be dependant on her and her father, who is a drunk who is sexually abusive to his daughter. the girl never forms any bond with or love for this child due to the circumstances and trauma of being forced to give birth. from then on the girls life is one big tragedy. she tries to commit suicide twice, and is diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder. is it right this girl was forced to carry this unwanted pregnancy against her will or should she have been allowed to obtain an abortion which would have been her choice?




  1. Nothing of what this story is all about sounds right to me ! The girl, could have given the child up for adoption but, she could have also called Social Services and informed them, about her really bad "dysfunctional" household. The School could have intervened by noticing beforehand, what this 16 year old girl was going through.

    Everyone knowing this teenager, COULD HAVE, WOULD HAVE AND SHOULD HAVE yet no one, did ANYTHING. What does that tell you about our Society ? She was all alone, and frightened and obviously, had no clue, how irresponsible she acted ! This is a very sad story, happening to way too many teens of today !!

  2. She should have got the abortion but she shouldnt have got pregmnant in the first place where were her senses if she was really that keen to go to college what the h**l is she doing hanging out with a drunkard she should have got he abortion but if she had the baby she got only herself to blame because she was the one who got involved unnescessarily to this drunkard.

  3. No, it is not right.  The parents would be totally out of line.  On that note, however, your scenario assumes that the pregnant teen would feel totally fine with aborting a child, which may not be the case.  It is fairly common for women to feel shame and guilt for the rest of their lives over the decision to abort a child.  Unplanned pregnancy is not something that can just simply disappear like tossing out an old pair of shoes.  It is a very serious thing and has serious consequences.  Mistreating a teen mother is not the answer, but there needs to be some sort of consequences for their actions.  Abortion is a resource for exceptional circumstances, in my opinion, and unplanned pregnancy due to poor choices is not one of those.
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