My bf and I have talked about getting married, we were talking about it again the other night and it got me thinking. Every wedding I have been to, there is a little girl for a flower girl and a little boy as a ring bearer...and every time they do something to mess it up. Everyone thinks it's cute, but I don't. I don't want any children in my wedding party, I don't even want children to attend. Not only do they interrupt and annoy the everloving c**p out of me...but during the reception they always get pawned off on somebody else at some point. I want everyone to be able to have a good time at my reception. I don't anyone to worry about kids. Would it be rude of me to ask that no children attend the ceremony or reception? Another little question I had, how can I bring it up to my bf so he won't be offended either? There are no kids on my side of the family, except one of my cousins has a small child. But I doubt he would come to my wedding. Just about everyone on his side has small kids. So any kids coming to the wedding would be his neices, nephews, cousins kids...I don't care too much if they are offended that they can't bring their kids...I don't want my bf to be offended or think that I don't like them. I just reeeeally don't like kids being at formal events. Especially if it's MY formal event.