
Would this be stupid?

by  |  earlier

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I plan to write a story about ghosts. Would it be stupid to make up 'facts' about them, like these:

Ghosts can change clothes.

Ghosts can be seen by anyone and by the naked eye.

Ghosts look like real people.

Ghosts have super strength.

Ghosts can disapeer and re-apear.





  1. NEVER!  It is NEVER stupid to create your own rules!  The signature of a great author is someone who takes their own world and twists it to her own ways.  She expands our minds with new ideas and awesome concepts and breaks the tether that science has on our imaginations :)

  2. no i think that its wat u think and that its okay even if ur not sure

  3. NO! It's never ever stupid to be creative when you write. If it is we can be stupid together because I wright too! Though I bend the rules with vampires.  I think you have a really good story brewing inside of you. You should post on Bookise. The ppl there would love you.

    If you do let me know so I can read your story. :) :)

    my user there is sam316547.


  4. If this is a fictional story then there wouldn't be a problem with it at all. It's called creative license and you're free to use it however you want.

  5. not at are quite an imaginative person.....keep it up, and i will encourage you to pursue your career, if you confidently feel it is what you want to accomplish in life=]

  6. No, I don't think it would be stupid. but those aren't really facts so i guess, you 'd score more points if you made your work a bit humourous...
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