
Would this be too much?

by  |  earlier

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So, I've gone on 3 dates with this guy. I really like him and I hope he likes me. I'm VERY shy. I think he may be off from work today so I was wondering if I should ask him if he wants to do something later. The only thing is, we were texting yesterday while he was at work so I don't want to be a bother or seem too clingy or desperate. I chickened out yesterday and couldn't ask him out. I think his spirits are low (based on his away messages) so I don't know if he just should be left alone and my asking may make it worse...or it may make him feel better. But I don't want to seem too needy or desperate.

Should I leave him alone or ask him if he wants to get together?




  1. go for it. You can leave it open. Hey I am going to be at Joe's coffee shop at 6 tonight. If your not busy why dont you stop in.  

  2. Just let him know that you are free today and would love to spend time with him if he's free too… don't tell him things such as "since you are free, I thought…" – he might have other plans or want to spend some time alone. On the other hand, maybe he would love to spend a nice evening with you…

    So by letting him know that you are free, you are not "imposing" but still taking the initiative… :)

  3. Go for it, guys like to be surprised and he will probably like that you took the initiative. Remember... nothing ventured..nothing gained.

  4. In my experience men are a lot like dogs. If you TRY to get the dog to come to you and follow you, the dog will just evade and tease. But if you turn your back and walk away, the dog will follow to see where you are going. Wait a week (or at least a few days) and then text him that you look forward to seeing him again. That is "dating code" for "if you ask me, I will say yes." If he doesn't respond to a big hint like that, then he isn't interested in you.  

  5. I'd suggest something low-stress and relaxing, such as taking a coffee break together, ice cream, or suggesting a movie that you know will cheer him up. I'd ask how his day went. The very fact that he put up a sulky away message should let you know that he wants/needs sympathy. Be a friend! A little consideration for him may be the perfect shy-girl's foot-in-the-door!!

    Good Luck, it seems like you really like him.

  6. ask him.. :o) maybe get some ice cream and take a walk in the park!

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