
Would this benificial to me? ?

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Hi everyone.

I have tried the atkins diet so many times with great results.... but I can not stick to it, and I always gain it back.

I have decided to go the low calorie route. I am trying to stay between 1200-1500 caloires a day. Along with walking when I can. I have cut out, pop,cheese,junck food, and drink lots of water.

I was wondering, being on a low cal diet, if it would be a good idea, to replace lunch, or breakfast with a meal replacement shake?

See, I am really not hungry untill around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, so I thought if I drank a shake instaed... maybe it would help. I am not sure if it really fills you up though.

ANy suggestions?





  1. Why don't you just eat healthy and exercise? Hire some pros and get over yourself. You do live in the Hamptons, eh....

  2. Stop counting calories and carbs. It doesn't work in the long run. Diets don't work for 95% of the people who go on them. If you "go on" something, it only makes sense that you will "go off" of it some day. Diets are a temporary solution to a long term problem.

    I'm not really trying to lose weight right now but it is coming off any way because I have chosen to make some simple lifestyle changes. Click on my story below.

  3. You're right, eating low-carbs on an Atkins-style diet does not work. They are much too strict, not sustainable, and make your life miserable as your body does not function properly without carbs causing headaches, irritability and loss of sleep. Low carb diets will actually cause you to gain weight after the initial weight loss... as you've personally experienced already!

    It's good to cut out junk food, and drinking lots of water is also very important.

    However, eating less meals (i.e. replacement shakes) may not be the best way to lose weight.  I can understand why you want to stick to low calorie foods - the food you eat will either make you lose weight or gain weight.  However, there is more to it than this.  What if you could burn more calories and have a better metaoblism simply by eating more often? i.e. 5 meals a day.

    If you eat smaller meals and eat the RIGHT foods, you can actually eat more and lose more weight! Sounds strange, but your bodies are very complex and if you understand your body, you can manipulate your metabolism for speedy and SUSTAINABLE weight loss!

    The key to losing weight is not to restrict your diet to "low calories" (or "low fat", "low carbs"), but rather eating the RIGHT calories.  You actually get to eat more and lose more weight if you learn how.  Knowledge is power.  

    Hope that helps!

    If you want to learn more, just click on the link below.  

  4. If you can't stick to Atkins then you'll always gain weight. Atkins diet allows you to eat some foods that are carbs when you go on maintenace. This helps you take care of the cravings for carbs and will not let you lose too much weight.  

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