
Would this book be safe for teens who are near-sighted?

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I'm 13 years old and I am near sighted. I have heard that eye exercises can improve your vision. I did a little research and found this book:

All though all the reviews are 4-5 stars, I dont know if it would be safe for me to try? It seems like all the reviews were written by adults so I want some input. Because the last thing I want is for my vision to get even worse.

Thanks in advance!




  1. It's a scam. Don't waste your money on books that "promise" to improve your eyesight. As a very, very near-sighted person myself I fell for those books back when I was  teen and thought I looked like a dork in glasses but they really don't help. Genetics is what causes nearsightedness - not reading books in the dark, or sitting too close to the TV. At 13 years old, your vision should be stable enough for you and your parents to look into contact lenses for your prescription and if not then there are actually some nice looking frames for glasses available for relatively cheap online - all you need is your eyeglass prescription. I know... I just bought a pair after my daughter broke mine for $25.

    Don't fall for these gimmicks promising to improve your vision...

  2. If you'll take a look at the contents, you'll see that it's fairly basic general anatomy etc. but some of the "experimental" conclusions and their design are, well....  not as accurate as they could be. How tall are you? Do you think that if you do lots of relaxing exercise, or lift weights, or run miles or swim miles for years, that you'll be shorter? or taller?

    Take a microscope. or telescope. Go outside and point it at the moon (for instance), then move it up and down and up and down and up and down or right and left and right and left... do this for about an hour a day. After 6 months of doing this, will the microscope now be a telescope? Will something with a short focal length now become one with a longer focal length? Might get very strong arms, and shoulders, but it'll still be a microscope.

    There's a lot of different 'reasons' people are nearsighted. Nearsighted means that you can see close or your eye's are focused closer than infinity (about 14+feet or more). Your eyes are "too strong". But being nearsighted, you read. It's easy to read. If you were far sighted, you'd have to work as if you were trying to read, just to see far away! Then, if you wanted to read, you'd have to increase the power of your lens that much more.

    This book would give you basic anatomy and physiology and a little optics. If you're getting it for that, good. The conclusions he reaches with his rabbit experiments, and the choice of drugs are a bit, well, ... there are better drugs to obtain the goal he's trying to figure out.

    Conclusions such as the forth nerve is responsible for accommodation as much as the third nerve indicate more a misunderstanding of the neuroanatomy than an accurate interpretation of the physiology.

    For the basic stuff though, seems pretty well done.

  3. Don't worry, it won't make your eyes any worse...and won't make them any better either.

    The only thing that will get worse, is the balance in your piggy bank..

    The only thing that will get better , is your knowledge of scams.

    It's easy to write glowing reviews on an internet site....but there doesn't seem to be any Dr's around who can say, hey...I got this guy who went from 20/600 to 20/20 again ...without surgery ! would be big news.

    Bates and the cronies after him have been preying on the dreams and hopes of people for 85 years now...but the medical magazines have never been able to report on any success stories that have been documented and proven to have worked.

    But, if you want to try , it can't do any harm.

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