
Would this change fundamentalist minds about abortion?

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If abortion laws were changed so that:

Fathers would be killed if the woman died in child birth from an unwanted pregnancy.

Fathers would be tortured if the woman suffered during an unwanted pregnancy.

Fathers would be tortured to death if a woman suffered and died during an unwanted pregnancy.

Would this change a lot of fundamentalist's minds?




  1. You have an overall flaw with your logic.  Your pattern here basically states that the world decided what the woman needs to have done. Since you posted this in spirituality and religion then I assume you waant a religious viewpoint.   I follow the word of God not the word of man.  If I followed the words of men then I would change my views often.  

  2. If that happened the focus would have to change into saving the lives of the priceless human being fathers. Priceless human beings inside or outside the womb, nothing would change except the focus on who needs to be saved.

      The math doesn't add up: If a doctor botches an abortion (unsuccessful in killing him or her) he must save the baby under threat of prison time. Discardable in the womb but priceless outside of it?  

  3. Hopefully the lose of his wife/girlfriend would be enough for him.

    Also, a 4 week old fetus does not equal a child. God litteraly ripped open pregnant women in the bible.

  4. maybe she shouldnt get knocked up in the first place

  5. wHY! T.T why! do u hate men!

  6. So you're saying, it's the baby or the Father, why must somebody die?


  7. Your solution makes it worse than the original problem, don't you think?

    The state of abortion as it is now in the Western world is just about perfect. It is largely legal, but with heavy limitations. It is as middle-ground as it will ever get.

  8. The consenting partners taking steps to keep from having unwanted pregnancies in the first place would be a much better and less violent course of action to take. Now if it was rape or a similar mode of destructive behavior directed towards the woman then you may have a point in regards to the man suffering instead of the woman.

  9. The question of s*x is not the problem it is killing a baby. Doesn't matter how she got pregnant. By force of by choice.  

  10. To change a mind first requires a mind. Most fundamentalist don't have a mind only an echoing chasm  

  11. No because Abortion is Murder!

  12. Why does a 50 year old white man have a young blonde girl as his avatar?

  13. You baby killers do not want to protect the innocent unwanted child who is a victim

  14. abortion is murder. bible says cursed is the man who take a reward  for the slaying of a innocent life. they get 300.dollars a kill.

  15. do you know how many woman die now a days due to child birth?

    less then 1% C-section and a magical thing called medical science has helped.

    another fact: Abortion Is Four Times Deadlier

    Than Childbirth.

  16. Abortion is the responsibility of any enlightened life form that can choose to create life.  Humans have an obligation to chart the course of our species in a way that is beneficial for the greatest number of people, as well as the planet, and we cannot do this if we are hip deep in unwanted babies.  While abortion should not be used as a lazy form of birth control, it is a necessary and discriminate way of approaching population control - the single most pressing issue mankind will face in the next 2 centuries.

    Pro-lifers offer no practical alternatives to abortion, and they have no solution to the millions of unwanted orphans languishing in orphanages, therefore they have no right to tell anyone what to do.

  17. I am only answering this because of the LIE told by "Feminazi"   The scripture he threw out there was about a ungodly king doing ungodly things.   A king of a nation which had over thrown Israel.   It was done too Israelis not by God or Hebrews.    

    If you are going to use scripture against the Bible at least do it by using it in the correct context.   Reading the whole chapter shows who was doing this.  And what the consequences were for doing it.    

  18. so you propose that in order to take a step forward we must take 2 steps back? that wouldn't change anything for the better but to the contrary.

  19. It would seem you are at a loss to come up with logical arguments for abortion hence the  descent into the absurd.

  20. Torture is NEVER acceptable.

    The Death Penalty is always wrong.

    Using violence to achieve your ends is NEVER right.


    Death only begets more death, violence begets violence.

  21. Wouldn't change my mind.  

    Now keep coming up with more and more absurd nonsense.  

  22. im completly for abortion i wouldn't want my genitals mutilated by something i dont want just because some fundie says its wrong to abort a baby that wont be loved or cared for and those points make a convincing argument  

  23. Hee Hee. That is SOME Icon.  Phew.

    I want to say it was Germaine Greer, but somebody said, "If men became pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament."

    When they feel a compulsion to freak with other people's lives, I have this urge to give the conservanazi fundies a frontal lobotomy with a two-by-four, but that is just reducing myself to their level.....

    Come to think of it, I'm a man too, but sometimes when things like the abortion nonsense comes along, I don't like us much either.

  24. What does this have to do with the murder of a child?

  25. Stop listening to the devil.  The Bible says "he has been a murderer since the beginning."

  26. I'm not pro-abortion except in cases of rape and to protect the life of the mother, but of course I wouldn't want the father of the baby to die, or be tortured.  Wow -- I wonder what it says about you that you would even suggest it.  

    But it boggles my mind that there are so many abortions in my country -- surely at least SOME of these could have been prevented by birth control, which is readily available to anyone who wants it.  So I will continue to be an advocate for the life of the baby, except in the aforementioned cases.  

  27. Oooo. Perhaps, but they'll say 'But that will never happen, it is the woman's sins, not the mans!'

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