
Would this change your mind?

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Go to google images...type in the word abortion.

Did it change the way you feel about abortion at all?




  1. Nope. Sorry. When I think about all the girls who have been violently raped, or all the young girls, babies having babies, It doesn't change my mind at all. What you NEED to be advocating is birth CONTROL. How do you think a woman who has gotten pregnant by a violent rape is going to feel about that baby?  

  2. Try this little girl I was raped, my baby had its insides out and was missing half its brain at 24 weeks I was offered a TERMINATION, which is the correct medical term.( ABORTION is the MEDICAL Term for a MISCARRIAGE as the body SELF ABORTS- I WISH STUPID LITTLE GIRLS WOULD GET IT CORRECT)

    The doctors where surprised the pregnancy had gone to 24 weeks, they did not know if the pregnancy would go full term and if it did the the didnot even know if the baby would survive a birth or for how long after it, by your standards I should have waited to see what would happen.

    Why do people like you have to become the every other womans body police and deciede what I should do with my body.

    I went through h**l after that and did feel guilty for the life that was lost but what sort of life would that child have had try that one.

    |The doctor said "we can put its insides back in but we cannot give it back the half of its brain thats missing"

  3. Nope still pro-choice I think it is better than what happened in the 1960's when it was illegal women took coat hangers and gave themselves abortions and ended up killing themselves in the process.

  4. I get your cause, and it's great that you have your choice. But let me ask you, have you ever been raped? Probably not. Do you know how many girls get pregnant for a forced sexual act. Sure it's not the babies fault, but nor is it the mothers. YOu have your opinion, but don't presume to have walked in others shoes and deem your choice as the only right one. I am pro-choice to an extent, there are points I do not agree with it,as birth control or late in term. But to post this like you have to give a visual, I think that's going to far,as not all people walk in the same shoes and same life with same choices as you do!!!!!!

  5. 43 minutes ago

    "Actually, I have been raped. I did not get pregnant however; If I had I would have had the baby. Its not the childs fault. I feel like a baby is a blessing no matter how it was conceived. If you don't agree you probably don't have kids and its good that you don't."

    Ok that last bit I DO NOT agree with what so ever. It's also not the girls fault if she is raped and doesn't want to bring some perverts child into the world, most girls feel that the child would turn out the like the father. And no if people don't agree with you doesn't mean it's good they don't have kids.

    If I was raped and found out I was pregnant i'd get rid of it asap. I wouldn't want it I wouldn't feel anything but hatred and resent towards it and it would not be fair on the child, whats the point in bringing more unwanted children into this world.

    No abortion should not be used as birth control but if somethings happens to someone that is out of their control they have any right to decide whether or not to keep the child. It's not up to you or anyone else to judge them for it.

  6. I agree completely with Tasha and Maalru.

    Each woman should choose for herself what to do about

    an unwanted pregnancy. It is nobody else's body.

    I get tired of people who always want me to look at

    fetus pictures.

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