Dear Mom,
I know that a laptop is a large investment and a lot of money, but it would mean a lot to me if I could get one. I, personally, think that I have done everything in my power to show and ensure you that I can be responsible, hard working, and social, and being said; I believe that I have earned the privilege of owning my own laptop computer.
There are many benefits of me owning a personal laptop computer, such as higher academic achievements, more responsibility, and concluding from that, a higher outlook on myself and the world around me. The following is a numbered list of way both you and I could benefit from a purchase of this nature.
1. increase the thoroughness and grade of homework and essays
2. studying for tests in the comfort and quiet of my room
3. portability/ability of completion of homework, essays, studying, etc., from basically, but not limited to, just about everywhere
4. availability time of the current PC would increase dramatically for other peers on the premises wishing to utilize it
5. more available space on the hard drive of the PC, therefore, most likely, increasing the performance of the desktop
6. by taking care of the subject at hand I would learn, in a more complete sense, the trait/ability of responsibility / paying for any future upgrades or self inflicted damage of the machine
7. by learning how to better use a portable laptop now, using, possibly, the same machine in high school/ college would be a benefit of knowing every quality the computer has to offer
8. group/cooperative projects/essays would be easier with peers, as we would all be able to be up to date in an easier way, and transporting the information needed would be done in a much simpler way
9. avid computer/technology skills are greatly looked upon in the present day world, by providing me with a personal laptop, you are ensuring that I’ll have a respectable knowledge of the machine and the basic principles of most computers
10. by having a computer that fulfills my wishes there will no longer be any references to the meritocracy of the current home desktop
Let’s conclude, shall we? Many academic levels could/can/will be reached, by making my academic achievements level higher, I am most likely to gain more credit from Arrowhead and college candidates. Also, by having higher grades, a decent laptop, a larger overall social structure, odds are that I will become a happier person to be around, and I will be happier with myself
Sincerely yours,
P.S. attached behind this letter are listings of decent, cheapish, laptops that fulfill my wishes in what I think a usable and expectable portable laptop computer should operate at.