
Would this deter you?

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I am supposed to travel to a city in Mexico that is about an hour from the coast that is opposite Baja California. I just read an article online that says horrible kidnappings and robberies against tourists are on the rise in Baja California! Really scary stuff with groups of heavily armed kidnappers posing as police. This is for work but I don't have to go and my travel plans aren't finalized yet. I've been back and forth about going because it's so close to the holidays and I don't particularly like to fly. Now I read this!! While in Mexico, I should have a Mexican escort (probably a woman) with me at all times, except in my hotel. Would this deter you from traveling there right now?




  1. travel adventure... think about it. being safe is your priority.

    check it out. try to contact the tourism affair office of the land. if you feel like not implementing your plan, try other countries like the Philippines. still follow the advise of Tourism Department for your safety.

    I am a Filipino.  ; > )

  2. hahaha, yes, yes, better stay in your country. In Mexico we all need scourts, and remember we don't have cars and electricity yet so we move in donkey, oh and the kidnapping is terrible everyone is kidnapped and assaulted daily so you have to move with a machine gun for personal defence.

    It's really annoying to see the bad publicity that the US does to Mexico when cime in many US cities is worse, I don't know what you gain with that, ya nos han jodido sificiente!

    OK, I've lived in Mexico City all my life and the worse thing that has happened to me is that one of my house maids stole a digital camara, the only time I've been assaulted was ironically in Rome.

    About your fear to kidnappings please... don't believe everything you hear and read. NO ONE would be intereted in an American when in Mexico there're thousands of more worthy millioners to be kidnapped; however, kidnappings are extremely rare and to people who are obsenely rich.

    I'm really amazed of the small culture Americans have, they think that their country is the best when it's a country with no identity, and a country with no cultural identity it's nothing.

    If you do come to Mexico City I only ask you not to be as those silly  American tourists who visit the city in flip flops, shorts and horrible hawaiian shirts, they look really rediculous. You should try to cloth more European Style. Also rememeber that Mexico is not Los Cabos, Cancún and the Mexican-US border. Those horrible places have been Americanaized to death.

  3. You will NOT be in Baja or near problem areas.  If you are not involved in  drugs  or hanging out in border areas, You will be fine.  Those reports are  exaggerated.  You should see the crime stories about the U.S. that we see on tv here in Mexico!  I am sure the people you are in contact with for your work will be very helpful to you.  I am an American woman living alone in Mexico, and know many others.  Have never had any kind of problem.  You will be safer here than in many American cities.

  4. Honestly, I wouldn't go. If you don't feel safe going then don't go and legally your boss can't fire you if you don't feel safe going. But if he/she does just take them the info you found and I'm sure they would understand. If not then I don't know what to tell you. Goodluck!!

  5. You will be fine.  I have been to Mexico several times on my own without any escort over the last 18 years. This includes places on the western side, eastern side, and within an hour of the US border. Nobody has purposely run into me, tried to block my car, kidnap me, etc.  I am going there again in April.
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