
Would this get me in trouble?

by  |  earlier

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there's a purple marble composition book with my moms name written on the front. she bought it for a college course, but it ended 7 months ago. it sits in our drawer, unused. i really need a composition book, and i'm wondering if it would be considered "bad" if i took it and used a label to cover her name?

i need a notebook because i used up all the pages in my journal, and i really really need to get my feelings out.




  1. Did your mom use it?  If she used it, then you need to get another notebook.

    If she didn't use it, just ask her.  Tell her that you need a notebook, that you noticed her composition book and was wondering if you could use it.

    That will keep you out of trouble.

  2. Just ask your mom

  3. if u want it, ask her kindly if shed give it 2 u, and if she says no, ask her 2 buy u a new journal

  4. oh just ask her, I'm sure she'd be alright with it.

  5. If it's your Mom's, then you need to ask her if you can have it.  If she says yes, then go for it.  But don't just take it without asking.

  6. ask her..

  7. just ask your mom if you can have it...if she says no than ask her to go to Rite Aid or some place to get a new one

  8. Just ask her.

    Composition books are only about a dollar at Wal-Mart if she doesn't let you use it.

  9. just ask her

  10. u can use it

  11. Just ask your mom, don't be afriad

  12. I would ask, My daughter is 14 and if she asked me I WOULD give it to her.

    IF she just took it, I would be so mad and probably take something away from her for a couple of days, like the phone computer


  13. Why don't u ask her?

  14. Just ask your Mom. I am sure if she is not using it and does not need it she will give it to you. Don't just take things without asking though. She may need the pages that she used in there for notes.

  15. ask your mom if you can use it or just get a new journal

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