
Would this get you mad?

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I'm starting college next Monday.

I'll be going to college 1 day a week and a work placement the other 4 days.

On thursday i'm going for a trial day and I start at half 8 and finish at 5.

I also have a job which I start at 5 usually, and my mum keeps going on at me to go to work after working at my placement!!!!




  1. I guess she cares about you. But yeah it is annoying as h**l.

  2. well thats what moms do. The only thing u can do is telll her how much u love her after all she's the only mom you ever gonna have

  3. Mothers, their job is to make us mad, what can ya do?

  4. No - we are women and we can multi-task!

  5. Well some people can handle all these jobs, i knew a girl that had 10 classes at college and still she worked at 2 places...she would even work at the 2 jobs in one day!!! some women can handle it and some cant...but since you have only once a week class...maybe you can try to pull something'll all come in handy :]

    and dont listen to your mommy if you think you have your hands full...let her know that you are only one person!!!

  6. hey imdoin the samething for collage! lol!

    anyways it would yh! iwould just call in sickthat day!

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