
Would this go well with the major?

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I have a friend who is majoring in Communications with a concentration in Speech pathology.

Would philosophy be a good minor to complement this? Why/Why not?




  1. A good minor is something you are interested in studying. You never know how it all fits together later.

    Philosophy looks at the structure of things in a totally different way from Speech Pathology. Perhaps the marriage of the two will give your friend a better grasp of the world.

    There is no explaining how people pick their fields of study. Some do it very logically, looking at the dollar signs -- will this minor allow me to get a high salary?  Some take a subject because they are truly interested in it, even if they may never work in that field.

    Then there are people like me who just can't make up their minds. I ended up with a double major (Art and English) and a minor (Education) because I just couldn't decide which area I preferred. So which field did I end up working in? None of the above. I took a Masters in Library Science and found my niche in life. The interesting thing is, as a librarian, I've been a generalist and needed to know everything I learned in all my degrees as well as anything else I could learn.  Your friend's philosophy minor may end up being his/her bread and butter.

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