
Would this green woman sign make you want to cross the road?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Obviously they don't have any other problems. What luxury.

    There was a similar story a few years back in Germany. There are special lanes for bicycles which are marked with a bicycle every few yards. Because the standard pitcure had a crossbar, they had to paint over miles and miles of them, costing a fortune.


  2. It would be a complete waste of public money - thousands of pounds of your money and mine and for what?   Some daft PC idea.

  3. Political correctness gets madder everyday.

    I cross the road whatever the picture is.

  4. I dont give a shite at if its a man or a woman if its green then I cross no one should get very bothered about it. I never found the green man sexist.

  5. How about they go back to a plain green light.   I know some people are dumb, but is anybody walking around unattended that dumb?

  6. As much as any of those signs do.

  7. certainly not a waste of money then

  8. Ermmmm .. Well Yeh i supose?

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