
Would this have happened in your country? youths putting police out of action?

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Our police aren't armed.

Two officers were injured when they were attacked by a mob after asking a teenage girl to pick up some litter she dropped.

Up to 30 teenagers attacked the two policemen after the teenager refused their request and became aggressive.

One of the officers required hospital treatment for a bite wound after the attack in North End, central Croydon, south London, on Wednesday afternoon.

Police said violence was sparked after the patrolling officers confronted the teenage girl at about 3pm.

They asked her to pick up a piece of litter which she did, but immediately dropped it on the ground again. When they asked her to pick it up again a friend with the girl became aggressive towards the officers.

A group of up to 30 teenagers gathered around the officers and attacked them. A Metropolitan Police spokesman said the officers, aged 34 and 29, were on sick leave suffering from bruising and knee injuries.

A 15-year-old girl was arrested at the scene




  1. supposedly theres more gang members in chicago

    than cops and they cant keep up

    so they are going to start disarming the city

    and eventually the whole country will be a police state

  2. That is a lose/lose situation there. If they were armed, they would be under scrutiny for using force against a teen girl.

    Their best defense would have been a radio, to call additional officers.

  3. well it all depends if your in the EU, london isn't so  the rules are different from ours sorry cant help

  4. Hate to say it, but this issue all relates back to good upbringing.  The parents today just don't have time or don't even care enough.

    I know that some do but when they don't, teenages, young adults do not respect others etc. and then things like this happen.  It is very sad, because they think they are better than others and are above the law.

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