
Would this have offended you?

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I live in Copenhagan, and earlier today my boyfriend were out and saw two young men, presumably American tourists (though it is possible they are from Canada or somewhere else). One young man had a tshirt on that said "Bros Before Ho's" and Senator Obama and Clinton's faces were on the front. My boyfriend and I were offended. Do you find this offensive?




  1. Hilary Clinton was on the shirt.  She's the ho', Obama is the bro.

  2. It is fairly typical of the "Ugly American" tourist, and just shows the plain stupidity of the wearer.

    Not even worthy of a second glance, let alone emotional invilvement.

  3. Well it's not a good shirt to wear in public but not worth fretting about.

  4. A nursing friend of mine was wearing a t-shirt that had a picture of d**k Cheney and Bush and it said, "d**k and D!ckhead".  Security at a company she was visiting insisted that she either leave or remove the t-shirt.  She politely removed the t-shirt immediately in the middle of that fancy lobby.  She wasn't wearing anything at all under the shirt.  The company made a stink out of it and had her arrested.  She had all charges against her dropped and she sued that company and got a LOT of money.  I make a funny t-shirt now for her every year as a birthday gift.  Inspired by so many of my corpulent and swinish recent dates, I used this image and added big bold letters, "MEN ARE PIGS".  I don't believe that myself, of course, but guys really like that kind of humor apparently, as I'm learning here from young people these days who see no offense in stuff like "bros before ho's". My friend has three lazy obese teenage sons who will get a big laugh out of it, I'm sure.  I made one for myself, too.

  5. Not at all, Bros for hos, kind of humorous, I am a Barack supporter!!!!

  6. Nope...I don't.  And frankly, I'm a little surprised that you do...

  7. not really its just political humor.

  8. well.. i'm guessing you were offended because you wanted hilary to win? but  whatever the reason no, i would not be offended because they have their opinion and i have mine. if they want that type of attention then let them have it. if you feel at that time that you should stand up for hilary then by all means do it. they were probably looking to get in an argument or else they would not have worn a shirt like that.

  9. offensive only in that they represent the human species.  obviously they prefer racists and womanizers because they have testicles...

  10. It would be funny in a place were families would not see this. However, that is offensive in a public setting. I would not necessarily be offended, but if one of my children asked me and what it meant, I would remind them that they are role models for children and to consider that some parents don't necessarily want to have to explain some of the words on the shirt. In any event, I would think them to be idiots who do not know any better.

  11. LOL!

    I would be laughing uncontrollably because I agree (not with the principle of "bros before hos" ; just that I agree that Obama is thne lesser of the two evils).

  12. It is offensive but I wouldn't let it bother me. Some people are jerks.

  13. People can express them selfs in different ways. He is probably a young guy and thinks it's funny. My advice would be just turn your head. because a guy who would wear a shirt that says that just wants attention. So a reaction is just what he wants.

  14. Yeah thats mean they could be good presidents

  15. Yes, but they've said worse about her . . . MUCH worse.

  16. That was American for sure ......I am one of them.

    I don't think it is offensive by our standards but you know how that goes.  Women might definitely be offended.

  17. Yeah I'd say that's pretty sexist and crude. Definitley Americans.

  18. yes!  but if both obama and clinton's faces were on the front (the bros), who was on the back (the hoes)?

  19. No, not really. Can't be uptight about everything, it'll kill ya.

  20. Give up the feminist bullshit. It's on a t-shirt because there is humor in it. Unless those guys are out treating women like garbage I wouldn't even worry.

  21. mildly. it's a commonly used gang term and it is degrading to women. sooo... now that i think of it yeah, I'd be pissed.

  22. No.

  23. Nah, it is in good fun. I doubt they actually think Clinton is a hoe, it is just their humorous way of showing who they support with a widely used phrase.

  24. I can certainly see that as offending some people, but in the US "Bro's before ho's" is a promise men make to each other not to let their feelings for women compromise the relationship between them, so it's a bit of a joke (and may have only been intended that way --  a lot of Americans would get a laugh and not take offense no matter their political leanings) at the same time as it may be a political agenda.

    But it can come off as sexist and racist at the same time, with no basis in sincere political interest.

  25. I think it is very tasteless, but it takes more than ignorance to offend me.

  26. Yes, I do find it offensive. There's no respect for anyone/anything  anymore.

  27. Yes. Racist and Sexist. Also just plain immature, juvenile, and crude.

  28. hahahhahahahah no

  29. no then again theres more thing too get offended by then what is on a shirt

  30. Actually I think that's pretty freakin funny.

    Having McCain in there as a threesome would have even been funnier.


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