
Would this help the American political process?

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Don't deny it, government has gotten bigger. In a way this takes power away from the people. Our voting power encompasses more, and 1 vote applies to a lot of policies, I doubt anyone agrees with all of them for the candidate they pick. All the federal government has to do is bring something under its jurisdiction and it's off limits for states. And states don't do much to give the people a voice, either. The best place to participate is local town meetings, where you can vote on zoning, or what to name a new street. Not much for control, huh?

Many of us want smaller government, that's what I want too, but my suggestion is, what if it were possible to give citizens REAL power, such as the ability to propose legislation? What if congress couldn't propose legislation, only the people could? All congress might be able to do is vote on it before it goes to the president?




  1. Sounds great I would like the states to be responsible for their own taxes and forget the fed. level all together!

  2. Anything that gets more of the people involved in politics is great. Many people feel like 'they don't count' so they sit at home and complain and nothing ever changes. If people really felt like they had a voice... they would use it. At least I like to think that this is what holds people back from being actively involved.

    I don't think your idea is too far fetched. Not a lot happens at town meetings... but State meetings are important. If you could organize people who wanted to have their opinion really count... you could find a way to participate at a state level.

    Don't know how bad things will have to get before people take it upon themselves to be heard. But with record numbers showing up to vote in the primaries this year... maybe its a sign that the people are getting restless.

  3. In a 435 member House of Representatives there were about 6,500 bills introduced last session. Multiply that to a country of 300,000,000 people. It's not just about "wackos"; every segment of the population is going to want the tiniest differences in every bill. Our representative structure allows for huge segments of the population to be encompassed towards one trustee.

  4. PFO d**n good question,,,, I think with some fine tuning,

    and some good debate a concensus could be achieved.

    It needs to start with the States,,,, The States need to have

    there rights returned to them.... The Fed needs to stay the

    h**l out of everyday affairs, If the Feds are needed call

    upon them if not don't call us will call you.. I think there could

    be a rational way to form a citizens for legislation panel

    in the areas of How the Congress doe's business, would

    be a great place to start,,, Term Limits.. No salary increases

    unless taken to a general election,,, No Lobbyist or any such

    involvement in the election process. Just some things,,, but

    I think what you have proposed is worthy of some interest.

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