
Would this idea fix the illegal immigrantion problem?

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I think IF people want to come to this Country they need to serve our Country BEFORE they get there papers to prove they appreciate & prove to this Country they respect us?

I think is a Wonderful idea!




  1. No.  Arming and training foreign nationals to defend a country to which they owe no allegiance is a bad idea -- a very bad idea -- unless you want a military coup or junta over here.  (Especially, as wounded duck said, when we can't even get them to follow simple immigration laws here.)

  2. It just might! Consider this: in combat you have to depend on the people around you. Taking that into consideration along with the following facts:

    1) They are armed criminals

    2) They have no allegiance to my country

    3) Most do not understand English

    4) They would be more of a hindrance at best than a help

    5) etc.

    I believe that most people in the armed services would just shoot them rather than let them get our servicemen killed. A dead criminal is no longer a criminal!


    1) You have to find them

    2) You have to get them to agree to this

    3) They come here for free things

    4) They are criminals

    5) Etc.

    Do you see where this is leading?

  3. What are you 5? All we have to do is get people to volunteer to fight! We can't even get them to obey our laws!

  4. Well, bubbles, you can think whatever makes you happy. You are allowed to.

    You can also think that you came from planet Krypton, together with Superman. Or you can think that you are batman, jumping with the disguise and hiding in the shadows

    You can also think that you are the Joker, fidel kastro, bill Clinton, or George bush

  5. Yeah, some countries do that for their own "legals"...that is, make them serve for a year.  I think it's a great idea too except for the fact I have two boys and I don't trust our leaders to pull out of a war at a reasonable time.  

    To fix illegal immigration?  I think we should be as passionate about defending our borders as we are going into other countries with our military.  Just my thoughts.........

  6. Why would illegal immigrants commit crimes?

    I mean, seriously.

    Isn't the idea NOT to get caught by authorities so you can stay?

    Be on your best behavior?

  7. No.  We have plenty of people to do the serve jobs.

    The illegal aliens come to the United States and use a fake I.D.  Once they are here and have contacted the Mexican Mafia, they can get a job and collect a huge amount of welfare.

    I think we want all the illegal aliens gone until we clean up the incredible mess they have created.

  8. I do too...seeing there is no other alternative.

    Why not send back the Americans and let the Illegal Aliens go to war AND FIGHT FOR THEIR CITIZENSHIP.

  9. What, so if I want to marry an American and live in America I have to go to Iraq first? That's just stupid, sorry.

    And what you're suggesting will do exactly NOTHING to fix illegal immigration.

    Illegal immigrants already come and go as they please, unchecked. Unless you catch them, you can't expect to force them to serve the country before getting their papers. They already cannot get their papers the way things are currently.

    And then there is the whole idea of letting foreigners with no real allegiance to the USA into the US Armed Forces, which is horrible.

  10. I agree with you and if they dont want to  that they need to fight the freakin boarder patrol who need to be armed and ready to use extreme force to keep people where they belong.

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