
Would this look good?

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ok so i know what hair cut i want which is this:

this is me:

should i dye my hair this color:

or this color:

i know they are totaly different i just dont know lol




  1. the haircut would look good on you because yours is similar but a little bit longer. & i think you should dye your hair the second color because the first one might be too intense for you.

  2. Well, I love the haircut you're going for, and I think it would work well with your face shape! it's cute. I don't know about the two haircolors you want, though. I definitely like the dirty-blond on Ashley's hair for you better than the black, but with your skintone and such I think something a little darker than the blond would look best! Maybe like a soft dark brown with lighter (blond maybe) highlights would look cute! That way the dark brings out your skin, but you still have the touch of dimension that you want. Just my opinion, but something to think about! Hope it helps! :) Good luck!

  3. The second one.btw your so pretty x

  4. color 2

  5. i think the first 1 is 2 dark blonde would probably be the better of the 2 but i personally would reccomend a dark 2 light brown color

  6. The 2nd one darling.

    Darker is the way to go.


  7. blondee one is lufflee :)

    shanice x

  8. defiantly the 2nd one, it brings out your cheekbones and, to be perfectly honest, it just looks prettier, lol.

  9. That haircut is so you! I love it! I would go for the darker one :)

  10. i think that style looks way better in a dark color so yea go wit the black one ;]

  11. I think you should dye it the second color.
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