
Would this make a good rat diet and do rats eat hay?

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Some low fat, low protein dog food, some grains, a few seeds, some dried fruit, some rat feed from the store, a little guinea pig food, maybe some lab blocks and fruits and veggies everyday. I just want to add tons of variety because it must be so boring to eat the same old food everyday. What do you think?

Also, do they eat hay? like, timothy or any kind of grass hay? Thanks!!!




  1. Ive had friends feed dog food  along with fruits and veggies to rats and they did pretty well but i wouldn't recommend it  due to its not nutritionally sound...your best bet would to buy some lab blocks  and then give some fruit and veggies..mine used to love apples and carrots, raw green beans, grapes...also some yogurt drops  as treats

  2. I find this diet very helpful.

    This is a list of what rats should not eat.

  3. It doesn't sound like a very good diet to me. Rats might nibble on hay but they don't really eat it much, no.

    I have a rat diet write-up here:

    Edit: Christie, why can't you just feed a normal Suebee's mix? You've asked these questions over and over. The rat feed from the store, unless it is Oxbow's Regal Rat, will be low quality c**p.

    Guinea pig food is not designed for rats.

    All pet store lab blocks are crappy quality.

    Plus, if you're going to feed ALL of this, it's way too much and you'll likely be overdoing the protein and fat.

    Why don't you order Harlan Teklad 2014 online and feed that with Suebee's grain mix (excluding the dog food since you're using the lab blocks) and daily veggies with fruits a few times a week?

    Things you can supplement with (these should be occasional things) to spice up the diet: "wheatgrass, eggs (put them in the blender with the shell and then scramble them, the shell is a great source of calcium), cooked meat and fish, unsalted pumpkin seeds, nuts in the shell (walnuts, chestnuts, pine nuts, brazil nuts, pecans, hazelnuts), store bought insects (mealworms, crickets), avocado (take only the middle meat furthest from both the pit and the rind as both contain toxins), flax seeds (or flax seed oil on something like bread or drizzled on veggies), and small pieces of bread soaked in olive oil (excellent for skin and coat health)."

    Quoted from my diet page since you apparently don't want to read it despite my linking you to it numerous times.

  4. Why would you feed a rat dog food? Is a rat a dog? Last I checked, no. It also isn't a guinea pig. Stick to rat food, otherwise you're really going to mess with his nutrition.

    Fruits and veggies (Read up on the ones that are safe. Some citrus fruits can't be given to rodents.) and the general rat food are plenty for the little guy.

    They can eat hay, but they don't need it like a rabbit does, so don't go overboard with it. Give it to the rat as a treat.

    Are you planning on keeping 1 rat or more? Rats do really well with other rats. They're very social creatures and are much happier with company!

    Edit: No need to get mean. You didn't post that you had 23 rats. It was an honest question. But if you're seriously asking about a rat diet, than I really doubt you have 23 rats.

  5. shouldnt you know everything about what they should eat if you have over 20

  6. okay um first off WTF  Minerva E ????

    and yes rats can eat hay and just dont feed him as much ! <3

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