
Would this make up a complete rat diet?

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Some low fat, low protein dog food, some grains, a few seeds, some dried fruit, some rat feed from the store, a little guinea pig food (timothy based), maybe some lab blocks and fruits and veggies everyday. I just want to add tons of variey because it must be so boring to eat the same old food everyday. what do you think?




  1. MAybe

  2. Cat food is better for rats than dog food.  Also, buy cheap cans of mixed veggies at the "Aldi's" or cheapy store.  They also like popcorn and pizza.

    I had many rats, and loved them dearly. Your diet is great for them.  Good luck!

  3. rats smell

  4. it should work rats will eat just about anything and really aren't picky i feed mine the blocks and a seed and nut mix they are happy with that and if i have veggies or fruits lying around ill give them some of that to.

  5. It's honestly not necessary to add variety to an animal's diet.  You can give him little treats and snacks, but stick to one type of healthy food because it will be best for his digestive system to have a normal pattern.  Ask your local pet store what type of rodent food is best for rats, I think you're right about it being guinea pig food but I'm not sure...

    Good luck, and enjoy.  I love my dog, but rats make great pets too.  :o)

  6. I think it sounds great - watch the fats - add some timothy grass and careful on giving too much veggie - i.e., lettuce which can cause bad diarrhea.  Lucky rat I say!  You are being very considerate - Don't let them get fat though as I think my son's rat died from a heart attack (due to being overweight )  Just like any other animal you can kill with kindness.  But it sounds like you have done your research.  Here's a site just about rat food which looks promising

  7. You can give them things you would eat yourself, just give them leftovers. Of course NO chocolate....

    Guinea pig food is great for rats. I've fed my rats guinea pig food for nine years, with ten different rats .(They also do really well with company, so it's good to have two or three rats at once).

    They love







    And cooked potatoes, again (your leftovers)

    Good luck with your rat!

  8. you forgot sewage water

  9. Sounds good! I'd just take out the dog food. Maybe give a piece every now and then as a rare treat. Don't forget the Yogies and little treats like that! Your little angel will definitely appreciate the fresh fruits and veggies! I suggest grapes (my girls preferred peeled, for some reason...picky little buggers!), carrot, and some cooked/roasted chicken every-so-often as well. ;) Hope that helps. Your angels sound very lucky!! Give them extra kisses for me!

  10. Not so much of the seeds. They aren't very good for rats. Try Suebee's diet along with high quality lab blocks, high quality dog food, and fresh fruits and vegetables. My rats love tofu and popcorn and pretty much anything I eat.

  11. What you're doing sounds fine. Variety is good in a rat's diet and it seems you are giving the rat plently of that. I feed my rat's a fruity rabbit mix, dry dog food, more veggies than fruit because they are better for them, dry plain and wholewheat pasta (which helps wear down teeth), and cooked rice that is great for detoxifying excess proteins from their system. Many people believe that some ingredients are harmful to rats are actually not, I keep over 100 rats in a rescue sanctuary that are completely healthy and prize-winners!

  12. yeah sounds good.  our pet rat loved grapes, and lettuce.  oh and  sunflower seeds, he liked to crack the shell himself.

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