
Would this put oil speculators up to their knees in oil, and trump Bush's move today?

by  |  earlier

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Congress allow states that want to drill on CSS to do so. Set royalties to Fed in oil at 190.00 a barrel, and sell that oil tomorrow from St. Oil Reserve.




  1. You're assuming that they'll find many gushers . Drilling alone does not solve the fuel problem . Finding very large amounts of oil will. -- -- but first it must be found .

  2. Bush's  is a murder  murder  murder

  3. First they point their fingers at the government and proclaim they aren't doing anything, then when the government makes a move they point their fingers and proclaim how badly the government is s******g them.

    Next they will point their fingers and proclaim how they are not getting their fair share of the oil profits....

    Government does not fix anything. The only one who can fix your problem is YOU.

    Reagan Proved Socialism doesn't work.

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