
Would this satisfy Hillary?

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What if we held just one more Primary allow the remaining states to combine and allow all the Hillary voters to come out and cast their vote for Hillary one more time and the rest of the people just stay home and don't vote.... Would this be enough for Hillary to obtain her false sense of winning and allow her to walk away feeling she has won? Would this be enough for her to put her ego to rest so we can finally move forward with the real campaign?




  1. Obama and yourself are sadly underestimating Hillary.  Millions of people were watching yesterday as Obama thumbed his elitist nose at the people of WV.  He can't win without the working class and he just isn't "getting that".

  2. doubt it..but I would like to satisfy her.. with my tongue..

  3. Obama knew it couldnt be done in W.V. because that state dont have enough black americans to even cast a shadow (no pun intended) on the white vote within the state. Hillary suprisingly enough got that one.

  4. i would love to satisfy Hillary.

  5. Your theory is not supported by fact.

    Hillary did get more votes in Florida, not Obama

    Hillary did get more votes in Michigan, not Obama

    Hillary has won the states

    needed to be elected president, not Obama.

    What are you afraid of? That she might win? She should.

  6. it really doesn't matter if Hillary wins or not, although I'd like to see Obama beat her.  the republicans are happy with either one winning.

    1.  They have so much trash to throw at Hillary the Repubs would win hands down

    2.  The majority of this country is still so bigoted that they won't put a black man in the office of President.  And that's sad.

    I live in Ohio.  One of the states that was primary in the underground railroad during the time of slavery.  cincinnati has a museum dedicated to the underground railroad.  However.......  George Bush stood in "great America" Ball Park in 2004 the night before the presidential election and said....... I WILL BRING JOBS TO OHIO.  OHIO BUSINESS WILL NOT GO UNNOTICED IN THIS ADMINISTRATION!!  

    within 6 months the GM/Delphi plant was closing.. the Ford Transmission assembly was closing..... there was noise about Chiquita moving their main offices from cincinnati to Atlanta.....   yeahhhhh   he sure brought jobs to Ohio.

    then they say that the unemployment rate dropped.  Do they honestly believe that we are too stupid to figure out that unemployment only goes for XX number of months, then you don't get it anymore, so, of course those people are going to drop from the unemployment rolls!!!!  DUH

    And the great state of Ohio elected Georgie.  We were the swing state.  Then when the voting ballot mess was in florida that night and the next day and a ballot was called for in florida...  2 days into the count... Supreme Court Renquist called for a stop to the ballot count and declared Bush to be president.   Never before in the history of this country has a President been APPOINTED.

    As much as I hope that people in this country will remember the last 8 years and what the republicans have done to this country.  Remember just a few months after the start of Mission: Iraqi Freedom was begun, George was standing on the deck of the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln and his words were MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.  Everyone believed that thing were finished in Iraq.  Little did we know that 3 years later we would still be hip deep with no end in site.

    But unfortunately I don't think the last years are going to be remembered.  The republicans are going to either going to have a lot of trash to throw (Hillary).  Or they won't have to anything except sit back and win.  Because whatever we might think or say, the majority of this country is NOT colorblind.  I was so proud of the people of Illinois when they elected the better candidate.  Their decision was not based on color, but on ability.

    in our primary I voted for Obama, but when I saw the results on TV that night I was with friends and was angry.  I told them that this state was so bigoted that they would rather support an inept woman than a black man!!!!

    I think when we have to listen to presidential debates, or information about the candidates, or vote for those candidate, there should be no photos of the candidates, or we should be blindfolded... there are no photos in the voting booths..  Lady Justice is Blindfolded.

    OH  I should point out..... I'm Caucasian... white as white can be.  And I still think Obama is the best person to lead our country.  I'm over 40 and not on any medication.. an Aleve once in a while.

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