
Would this sound like a dumb idea?

by  |  earlier

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I have the interesting hobby of flying remote control (RC) airplanes, basically they are small airplanes that take off and I control them from the ground. I fly aerobatic models and I have been experimenting with synchronizing the flight to music (kinda like the iTunes visualizer, just with an airplane!)

Would it be a dumb idea to choreograph a flight to "Far Away" by Nickelback and record the flight and send it to my girlfriend (she actually tolerates my geeky hobby quite well!) and attach a little message like, "even if you're a mile away, it seems like you're Far Away"

I thought of it and wanted to make sure I wouldn't look like a weirdo before I actually put in the ~5 hrs to choreograph, practice, and memorize the routine. Thanks!




  1. No its an excellent hobby but your message should be something like even if ur 5 miles away your close to my heart and that will be cool. I think its a cool idea.  

  2. Is she tolerates it, I'm sure she'd understand the amount of effort you'd have to put in to pull that off.

  3. if shes into it, then go for it!

  4. Go for it, i would be so overwhelmed if my boyfriend did that.

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