
Would this spell be safe to do? i dont wanna do it with any risks im a tad bit scared to be honest?

by  |  earlier

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heres the spell

to change the color of my eyes




  1. yea seems pretty safe other then lighting your house on fire(kidding) but are you familiar with this site because this spell seems some what simple for it to work compaired to others

  2. Of course it's safe! Assuming it has any supernatural power, it should just do what it is intended to. Otherwise, it would not be posted on that site (That site is very popular and perfectly reputable.). If it doesn't have any power, than it simply won't do anything.

  3. It's no doubt safety then the fad of putting food dye in one's eye of those contact lenses that gave you cat eyes etc.

    Hey, send pictures before and after. Randi has a million dollars he'll give you:

  4. let me know if it works.. and if you can lose weight with it

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