
Would this van driver be prosecuted for driving in bus lane (If he was snapped by a bus lane camera?)?

by  |  earlier

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  1. The way these regulations are Policed, I have no doubt that some jumped up jobs worth would try it on and send him a ticket.

  2. no special circumstances. ie. the fire engine

  3. no cuz off emergency service

    answer my question plz

  4. Depends on the distance he travelled in the bus lane,It is obvious to me that he moved over to let the fire engine pass,But  then the camera would not show that.

  5. without a doubt no he would not he was actually only in the lane for a matter of 50 yds while he got out of the way of the fire engine,

    to be prosecuted for driving in the bus lane you have to have been travelling in the bus lane more than 200 yds and clearly causing an obstruction to public transport,

    only reason i know is that i hold a PSV licence and drove buses until i opened my own computer shop.

  6. No because he was getting out of the way of an emegency vehicle quite obviously going on a call.

  7. Unlikely as he moved into the bus lane to allow the fire appliance to pass.

  8. while it is unlikely-he was only in the lane for a matter of yards he could be prosecuted yes-on the basis that fire appliance drivers are specially trained to deal with all kinds of situations they may encount on the road on the way to a call.

    and the highways agency could argue that if it was on an emergency call the fire engine had more right to be in the bus-lane than the van.

    but like i said-it's unlikely.

  9. No, he was pullin over to allow a firetruck to get by

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