
Would this video of how to get free food at McDonalds work in the USA?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Yes, I think it would. Too bad though. Crime does noone nogood.

    For that matter - what kind of idiot posts a picture of himself committing a crime on the internet.

  2. Why not just go to a very expensive restaurant, eat like a pig and just walk out when nobody is looking?

  3. that was the best thing iv seen in ages

    well done to him.

    what a hero its not like Mac D's will miss the Penny's it costs them.they rob any one who walks in by selling Thar cheep c**p


  4. It might work, but you would have to find a McDonalds that has 2 windows (some only have one).  Also, you would have to find one that only has one lane with no outside exit lane for the drive-through.  Some are set up so you can just leave the line (you're not trapped in line).  I just don't think that it's worth the risk though.  Just pay the 3 or 4 bucks and not risk yourself going to jail.

  5. Looks to me like a good way to get arrested for theft of services.

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