
Would this work to get my point across?? ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm asking this again, because I got no answers the first time...

Should I stop making my BF feel so good about himself, since I don't get any feel good comments back from him? I tell him that he's s**y, perfect, hot, looks good when he dresses up, smells good, I thank him when he does things like takes the trash out, cuts my grass, waters my plants etc,. But I don't ever hear things like that from him. I said something to him and he got all mad and said he told me he like my shirt the day before. Personally I don't care about my shirt, I want to know that he likes me, not my shirt. If I stop complimenting him, will it make things worse? I want him to understand and I know guys don't understand subtle hints, so I doubt it will work, but I don't know how to get him to do these things every now and then.




  1. You can't force anyone to do anything.  Men are more subtle, whether they like to admit it or not.  If you stop complimenting him, he'd probably notice it, and probably think something was wrong.  If telling him exactly what you wrote here does nothing, I would probably look for other ways of him complimenting me...for instance- are you overwhelmed, and is that why he takes the trash out?  Or is he a neat freak?  Does he do things to make your life easier?  And...telling you he likes your shirt, may he his way of telling you that he likes the way you look in it.  Men can't read between the lines- but try thinking about why he does what he does, or asking him why he does them.  I think you'll note that he is not expressing his feelings with words, but actions.  Hope this helps

  2. what you really need to do is conduct an experimetn pick like 2 to 3 days where you will completely stop complimenting him. if he notices than maybe he will get the point. if he doesnt than dont waster your time complimenting him. naybe after awhile he wilol catch on.

    i did his when i thought i was like following my bf around school so one day i decide to see if he would come to me and he didnt i realized he was a jerk anyway

    sometimes you just gotta try and see what happens

  3. Just tell him straight up what is bothering you. Explain it the way you did here. If he doesn't get it or won't alter himself in this way, then either grow a thicker skin or get a different boyfriend. What it comes down to is that the guy is who he is, so if it is simply his nature to behave a certain way, then that should be that. You shouldn't have to feel the need to change him to accommodate yourself, nor should he have to change to accommodate you. If you know that he thinks highly of you even though he doesn't show it to your satisfaction, then you should be satisfied with that nonetheless. If you don't think he thinks highly of you, then what are you still doing with him?

  4. If ya gotta bait a compliment then its not a compliment

  5. Tell him how you feel, and if he just waves you away again, I'd leave him.

    How can you give him compliments like "perfect" when you're so unsatisfied with him?  It's rediculous.

  6. You don't give a compliment with an ulterior motive; that's not how they work.  You tell them that because you think it's true, not because you think it will be reciprocated.

    That said, no, you shouldn't stop.  He's just not the compliment-giving type.  And based on his comment, I'd say he does a lot more than you give him credit for.  (His "compliments" are cutting the grass and watering your plants!  Seriously!)  Guys aren't like girls, where they go out of their way to make you feel special.  They think that by hanging around you, they have proven that you are special and worthy.  He wouldn't be with you if he didn't like you.

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