
Would turning the country into a nanny state keep us safe from terrorists?

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having the government tell us what to do

take our guns just in case we ourselves are terrorists?

and then promise to keep us safe?

would it be better that way?




  1. Probably considering the failures of the Bush administration.

  2. Nobody is taking my guns.  

  3. the US already is a nanny state and it's funny how these gun toting rednecks don't realise it will be them next.

  4. No.

    But Thats what the patriot act ,and the attack on the second amendment are all about.

  5. No but what we re doing no is also not keeping us safe.

  6. the right to bear arms was to protect us from the nanny Government not terrorists..... and we still need them!

  7. You go right ahead and try to take my guns.

  8. Thanks Libs???!!?!?!?  Can you say Patriot Act?  *****edit, my post dosent make since now since someone deleted their post thanking liberals for making it a police state*****

  9. No.  The only thing the Islamo-terrorists respect is firepower.  A policy of weakness will not deter them from more outrages.   The first side that decided that force is a stupid way to decide arguments loses.  The islamists have more staying power.  

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