
Would two colts get on in the same field?

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lonely horse




  1. Buffy got it right, when the colts getting about two years old they will start to fight, the horse play becomes serious. I just separated our two 2 - year olds because of that and they have been together since they were born. It's just natural.

  2. Define "colts" - what age?  

    Younger colts, in the wild, of foal age or weanlings up until about 2 years old are allowed to remain members of a herd and interact well with each other.  When they mature to breeding status, however, the domination and challenges ensue to establish breeding rights.

    I would suggest that if two colts are left alone with each other only for company, they'll be fine, but if they are advanced age of a year or two with the company of mares or fillies in their pasture, or near them, they may become rather forceful to each other.

    Think of the nature and social status of horses and you'll have your answer.

  3. Young horses enjoy playing together, so as long as they accept eachother nicely and don't get all territorial with eachother, it should be fine....try it and see!

  4. Make sure they are both the same s*x....nothing worse than a "teen pregnancy".

    I've had my "baby" since he was 6 months old.  Star was gelded at 13 months and he's 14 months old now.

    I put him in my field with my 16 year old gelding Jack.  Jack quickly taught Star to respect authority and we easily developed a hierarchy (with me on top).  Jack has taught Star to behave better than I ever could have.

  5. get a filly insted

  6. Did you know that Goats and Horses are the best of pals? Another colt might get a little expensive, but goats dont cost so much.

  7. They would probably enjoy each other's company. Young horses are meant to be turned out with buddies. Just make sure to handle them regularly so they don't get out of hand.

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