
Would u be int rested in visiting this country??

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Honduras in central america??? its got one of a kid diving in the north, hot tropical climate rain forests, and the one and only mayan ruins in the west... plus, make more out of ur money, $1= about 19 Lempiras(Honduran currency) i am just wondering...

u can google it, or look for it in wikipedia if u really wanna visit




  1. I would love to visit the Mayan ruins. The oldest civilization in existence. I hear the cruise around South America is also one that should be enjoyed at least once in a life.

  2. Yes I would be interested in visiting this country.

    It is always nice to visit other country regardless of the currency exchange rate. Without seeing else where- it is hard to learn how to appreciate what we have now.

    I'm sure Honduras has beautiful tropical places to visit plus very traditional culture and craft. I'll put it on my top 15 list.

  3. My husband and I are birders and I could see us with our binoculars and cameras trotting around !

  4. Never been in Honduras but personally I think there are several countries in what used to be Central America that are highly underated. They carry a stigma of guerrillas and terror which has made people forgotten about their beauty, landscapes, beaches, jungles, etc. I want to start by visiting Guatemala and it's mayan ruins, then probably go visit Honduras or Belize.Thanks for the publicity, it's always great to hear from real people who sell their country to tourism in such a positive way.

  5. I've been there and I love it. Of course if you bring US dollars you're going to get alot for your money over there.

  6. Again? Yes, i always do.

    I visit Honduras 4-5 times a month since i live so close (in Nicaragua). I have many friends and some family over there, particularly in San Pedro Sula (SPS). Honduras is a very beautiful country full of wonderful, nice and loving people. Honduras has a particular chunk of rainforest that is on the southern border with my country, Nicaragua. Although our borders intersect it, and Nicaragua has the larger chunk, it is the largest rainforest in Central America (in whole), and in part, Nicaragua has the largest rainforest in Central America (and North of the Amazon in Brazil), Honduras proudfully has the second.

    Overall very beautiful, and i prefer the Mayan ruins in Honduras over any others.

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