
Would u bring back nationale service.?

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after more murders in UK,ie ben kinsella national service would nock some respect and manners into young people and save money,and make uk a safer place. crime during national service was a lot lower than now.




  1. I don't think it would help. T. E. Lawrence's The Mint is a pretty damning book about National Service. The increase in crime, in my opinion, is more about the loss of communities (that is, people living in a communal, sharing way). National Service is not the way, but something along those lines is what is needed, not just for young people but for us all.

  2. yeah bring it back, i wouldnt mind doing it.  it will defo set people on the straight and narrow

  3. Yes im 17 and think national service should be brought back and also the cane (but not to be used on young children, just gobby teenagers)

  4. No, for several reasons.

    1) Young people don't want to be there. Therefore they would be undisciplined - not do what they were told. Because they HAVE to stay no matter what, the army would simply have to put up with them, no matter how badly they were behaved; they couldn't simply be fired/discharged.

    2) Untrained soldiers are dangerous soldiers. Anyone who doesn't know how to use equipment properly is a hazard; if that equipment is designed to kill people doubly so. Because national service wouldn't realistically be longer than 18 months it would mean a large proportion of the armed services would essentially be untrained. Gone are the days when you had a rifle and basic kit - nowadays even a normal squaddie has a lot of specialist equipment to learn to use.

    3) It's expensive. Those in the army are living off the state. Their housing, food, clothes, wages (even if they're low) etc. are all payed by the state. If you're in work you buy them yourself; meaning the state spends more money. Also, the armed forces don't have enough money as it is; if they had tens of thousands of national service people to take on then funds would be even more thinly spread.

    4) Modern warfare doesn't need a lot of troops. Back in the day it was necessary to have one man with one gun in the field in order to be effective. Now you can have one person who can destroy an entire city with the push of a button (although they're have to be highly trained). We simply do not need a large army, and it is wasteful to have one; as France is finding out.

    National service may instill some discipline in young people - but most young people are not the problem, and the disadvantages are too many to be worth it.

  5. Yes....absolutely...

  6. No it is not the answer, there is no quick fix answer to the recent knifings in London this is a symptom of our society and everyone of us has to ask ourselves are we responsible for the decline in standards in society. Our polititians and other people in positions of power  etc ie church leaders, police officers teachers celebrities have let our young people down,Young men and women see their peers like the Beckhams footballers and their wags, actors etc etc getting fantastic amounts of money , often for hardly any real talent, their lives are shameful their language and morals are appalling of course nearer to home these young people often have disfunctional families but not always they are too often given no guidance and not punished when they do wrong right from  nursery age..I feel desperately sad for young people today and blame my generation for the problems they are encountering let us remember in the recent knifings there have been 2 victims the one using the knife and the innocent one on the receiving end. We must call upon all those in authority to do something about this problem.Lets start with TV the c**p that is on there influences out kids, then lets get the police back on the street, make offenders accountable make punishment fit the crime none of the mamby pamby do is time now for those who are in authority to take control but first they need to put their own homes in order.parliament needs to have a good clear out, wrong doing there must be punished swiftly not overlooked,Top professionals must be made accountable and sacked when they do wrong. This is necessary so it will send the right message to our young people good manners, respect and good citizenship need to be learned and young people learn from their peers so those people have a rsponsibility to lead the way.

  7. Yes.

    Mordent - the UK armed forces have been paying for their food and accommodation since the early `70`s.  The same applies to married quarters, all service personnel pay rent and are responsible for their utility bills.

    They also pay Income Tax and National Insurance - something in this day and age some people believe that they don`t.

    Check your facts please before you post.

  8. I think it might be a good idea, but more to the point, schools MUST get more strict, and be ALLOWED to issue punishments on children, from the first day they go to school.

    Get rid of this stupid Human Rights, they are not yet human, except as a scientific classification.

  9. Not only would I bring it back, I would transport all knife offenders into the iraq and afghanistan combat zones and drop them into them. Then they would show what real cowards they are when confronted by people who are unafraid to fight back.!

  10. Seriously?  Teach thieves fieldcraft and minor tactics?  Teach thugs weapon handling and close combat? And do you want NCOs and platoon commanders shot in the back?

    Frankly, these people are refuse, frequently with significant mental health problems,  who could never be made into soldiers in a modern army.  This isn't Wellington's day, when flogging and the firing squad could keep them in order most of the time.

    If you want to know why crime levels were lower in the 1950s, it was because British society and families and communities were stable.  There wasn't a grotesque red top media encouraging horrific behaviour, and the courts handed out substantial prison sentences to people convicted of burglary and robbery.

    Plus - there was full employment, and there were more physically demanding jobs, which meant fewer working class lads at a loose end.  In that society, national service did offer many lads a start in a trade (especially in the Navy and RAF), and a taste of teamwork.

    It would not work in our society today without some very, very  drastic action to restore basic public order and public safety having been in place for at least a generation.  That is how bad today's society has become.

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