
Would u choose an ugly over a pretty ?

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theres 2 girls, that u like very much...

1 girl is very pretty and has a good personality..

the other girl is ugly, but has a great personality, better than the pretty girl... she is like the girl who u want to spend the rest of ur live with..

so will u choose the ugly or the pretty girl? ..




  1. Only a shallow person would choose the pretty girl

  2. why are you judging people by looks?

    it shouldn't matter.

  3. both

  4. Hey you shouldn't be juding people bu their looks because it's just down right mean. but unfortunately in today's society this is how it works  which is wrong. Personality rules over looks, because what happens when the pretty girl gets older?  

  5. I think you mean  "plain" rather than "ugly".

    Anyway, looks don't last. There's your answer.

  6. That question is shallow cause evry guy would prolly go for thepretty betch ughhh i hateee Q's likeee this but thnxx for the 2ptsx

  7. i'd pay for the ugly girl 2 hav plastic surgery lol

  8. Looks fade over time!

    But personality generally stays the same : )

  9. ugly on weekends and holidays, pretty during the week

  10. u already answered ...u said that the pretty girl is the one i wanna spend my life with

  11. personally i think you need to be attracted to someone to find them attractive. if you get me. personality is very important to me. id rather have a average looking person who treated me like a princess as apposed to a greek god who was a loser.

    but how could you have s*x with someone you didnt find physically attractive? =\ i dont understand tbh but ive never been in that situation.

  12. Well if she's decent but not hideous ugly then yea but ugly ugly i'll choose the pretty pretty =)

  13. the one you want to spend the rest of your life with .. because that is hard to find

  14. yes I would date a ugly man ben there done that it's not the outside if all you and the girl have in common is physical attraction there is no relationship.. I would go with the one you love more and just cause your friends are dating hot girls they could be getting played .You could make that girls dream come true and no one is ugly either obviously if she has a nice personality then she is pretty.

  15. is your p***s malfunctioning or something?

    guessing this is not a guy, the pretty one for sure. i would feel awkward making out and eventually doing an ugly chick. i might not even perform so good with an ugly chick

  16. You have answered that yourself in the question.

  17. friendships last alot longer than relationships.

    make good friends with the girl you dont fancy, and date the pretty one..and mayby who knows? in the future youlle end up dating the second girl.

  18. okay im a girl in all,

    but if there was a boy who was cute and has a good personality

    and a boy thats not so cute but has a great personality

    i would pick the second one

    because after a few days im sure you as a person wouldnt even notice

    and you sorta answered that question on your own (:

  19. well if i had to choose it would be ..... the not so pretty ..but then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder  

  20. u answered ur own question  

  21. both pretty and ugly change over time. how I get along with someone is more important than prettiness. but as you put it, the ugly girl is who I want to spend the rest of my life with than she's the one.

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