
Would u date a 20 year old highschool drop out?

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Would u date a 20 year old highschool drop out?




  1. Probably not. I only date people who I feel are as intelligent, or more, than I am. I know this probably sounds snooty or selfish, but it's the truth. This is just my opinion. Why? I think that if you date someone who is less educated than you are, there can be a physical connection, but not a very good conversational or lifelong one. Also, there are different kinds of "education" school or college is just one of many.

  2. Hmmmm...if I were 20 yrs younger, maybe. It would depend on what he'd done with his life since he dropped out...did he get his GED? Trade school? College? Does he have a good job that could lead to fulfilling career?

    Dropping out isn't a smart move, but it doesn't mean that person may no make something out of their life.

    Intelligence is VERY appealing...if he'd shown he could make intelligent decisions and positive choices for his life path since dropping out, it's possible he'd be someone I'd consider dating (if I were around his age).

    Someone with no ambition, no goals, and nothing but the partial high school education they may have gotten (before dropping out), wouldn't be appealing.

  3. umm no prolly not  do u look good or no?

  4. Depends on why they dropped out and how you feel about them. If they have very little education (and it shows in speech), I would say no. If they're a good person at heart and dropped out for good reasons, possibly.

  5. Maybe but it all depends on when you dropped out..

    like i want a smart guy so the guy cant be stupid!

  6. No, because I'm 30 and the age difference would freak me out.... HOWEVER:

    I would like to say that being a high school drop out does not mean that someone is a loser.  Do they have a trade - plumbers, builders and electricians can earn far more money than college educated people, and in NZ you can do apprenticeships in these trades without completing high school.  My uncle is in his 40s, and is now a self employed electrician earning a great deal of money.  

    So, education isn't really important to me.  A strong work ethic and a passion for travel are, as well as a healthy knowledge of current affairs.

    I'm university educated, and have met enough people who have degrees but are still losers to know that education is definitely not the be all and end all.

  7. heck no

  8. If they were really cool, maybe just for fun. But def not with any hopes for a future with them

  9. Not in general. Come on, my guy has to at least have a high school diploma or GED. Lots of people skip college, but high school is still the age when you are picked up by the truant officer if you skip. Plus, a lot of girls like intelligent guys. Unless you dropped out of high school because you were TOO smart (it does happen), no, I would not date a drop out.

  10. no, i wanna date somebody with ambition and an education

  11. no


  12. No.

  13. Generally no as there may be other issues relating to this person other than being a drop out. You need to knwo why she dropped out before you get into anything serious.

  14. NO!

  15. no.never.

  16. wow, everyone is very shallow today, lol

    i would, depends why you dropped out

    im semi-going out with a guy who is 20, still doing school, he left to go round the world cos he plays tennis, so it depends

    it's not about education all the time, do you hav a job? do you work hard? do you want to do something with ur life? those are the things that count =D

  17. nah man

  18. Yes and make them get a GED and some adult job trainging, but if you are like in college and have something going good in your life I would say no, but all you've done with yourself was graduate and get a job, your not too far ahead to not date that person, but push them to be better.

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