
Would u dump a guy or girl cuz of what ur teachers think?

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ok in my science class there is this girl who has a boyfriend and he is a freshman in college.... his science teacher in 12grade now teaches his girlfriend n when the girlfriend asked if the science teacher knew him the science guy was like o what a weird guy n then she was like that's my boyfriend and he said she should get her glasses check cuz she didnt see well. a counselor,and other teachers said the same thing n now she wants to dump the guy. she need help but she just wont change her mind......... should she do it or not?




  1. I think the girl should consider her decision before doing anything rash. Maybe the teacher has some legitimate points, but teachers also see a different side of students than others their age do.  

  2. She needs to think serious about why the teachers and conselors say that. If there wuz a tru reason that caught her mind she might wanna go and tlk to her bf ab that bc it can just be sumthin he did in the past. I wud want to c how my bf feels ab wat they sed and c if it is tru and then I'd think hard ab whether the situation wuz bad enuff to dump him.

  3. Honestly, theyre relationship has nothing to do with a science teacher, nor does it have anything to do with anyone else. If the girl is happy then she should remain in the relationship.. if not then she should leave but she should only leave if she wants to not because of what anyone says. In HS i was in a relationship w a boy who was a freshman in college.. we are still 2gether as we have been all through hs. Many teachers and friends told me not to go out w him.. but weve been 2gether for 4 years now and im so happy. tell your friend that if she really cares about him then shell stay w him no matter what... s***w what anyone has 2 say as long as shes happy  

  4. no she souldn't dump him just b/c her teachers wants her to she has to remember that her teachers are only her boss when she is in school and no where else and she shouldn't listen to her teachers cause they don't know what guy is good for her only she and her parents should know that and it doesn't matter what her teachers think cause for one they are not the one going out with hm she is

  5. that's the most shallow thing i've ever heard.  she should do what she wants and not what people tell her to do, ******* SHEEP!

  6. um no look that is rude that teachers would say that she needs to report it  

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