
Would u have thought to have looked in this machine for your child?

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Supposing your child had disappeared would you have thought to have looked in this machine. Supposing she had not surfaced but got into difficulties in the machine, and the little boy hadnt seen her go in! Would the parents have thought that she had been abducted? What do you think.

Amazing what kids can get up to when you just turn your back for a few minutes dont you think?




  1. Hahahaha!

    I was laughing my head off, That was sooo funny!

    I doubt i would of looked for my child there if she went missing, Its the last place you would think to look, Lucky the other kid was there.

    Haha! Im gonna watch it again, Kids eh!

    Those machines open from the front so more prizes can be put in, why didnt they get the manager with the keys

  2. OMG! This was hilarious! Looks like something my daughter would do...but I would not have waited to pull her first I would have laughed and then I would have called the fire dept. to get her out...I wouldn't have risked her trying to come back out the way she went in, get stuck and what if some stuffed animals were stuck in there as well and blocked her oxygen......but then I would have laughed! Poor kid!

  3. that's the very best vid iv Sean for ages star for you great find

  4. I hate to think what would have happened if she was just a tiny bit bigger and got stuck! You are right, kids can get into so many things in just a few minutes... thats why you should never turn your back.

  5. sounds like something from the poltergeist

  6. A little girl i used to look after when i was younger used to climb into the washing machine, if i hadn't seen her get in there i would never have looked there for her.

  7. OMG! Aren't kids AWFUL!!!

  8. that was pretty funny! i cant believe she went in there and didn't come out w/a stuffed animal! haha that was funny!

    i wouldnt have thought to look there

    but her parent's should have been watching a little more closely

  9. Very good video but it just shows how quick children can be I suppose next health and safety will be wanting to ban all machines like that

  10. maybe her parents should have been watching her..just my opinion

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