
Would u let ur 8 year old wear this ?

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THIS SKIRT my other daughter drove her too the mall and bought her this do u think its approprite for an 8 year old




  1. it depends where she where it to make her where leggings under the skirt and a jacket over the shirt

  2. the shirt you cant see but the skirt theres nothing wrong with it

  3. Shirt is good, skirt is bad, but maybe she could wear it with leggings.

  4. I can't see the shirt but the skirt is fine with tights or leggings underneath.

  5. helI yeah


  7. no that is too grown up for an eight year old

  8. The shirt is ok as long as it is long enough.. and I cant tell if it is a tank top or more of long tube top. The skirt however, um not appropriate.

  9. No way, i wouldn't want my 8 year old to dress like a hooker

  10. With leggings or shorts under it it would be fine. Depends on your daughters body. if she's tall and slim than it would be okay :)

  11. h**l to the nah  

  12. I have a nine year old and the skirt maybe with leggings under or spanky "cheer shorts" but the shirt no way

  13. i dont see anything wrong with it if you do have her wear leggings under the skirt

  14. No way!  She is too young to buy clothes like this.  These clothes are more for teenagers, and still I wouldn't be too happy about my teen wearing them.

  15. Heck no!

  16. h**l No.

  17. shur i think its fine

  18. i have an idea put leggings under the skirt.

  19. I can't see the shirt, but not a chance with that skirt.

  20. personaly put a white tank top under the shirt and leggings with the skirt and problem sloved my 14 year old does it try it she wont like it but it helps

  21. The shirt is strapless, but it seems long enough and okay.

    How long is the skirt? It looks like it would just barely cover her crotch---if so, then I would say "NO"

  22. no way ... no how !!!

  23. no WAY!!!! i my mom wont even let me wear that and im turning 14.

  24. Nope... it looks way to old, far too small and very inapropriate for a young lady of 8.

  25. No 8 year old should be wearing ANYTHING from Abercrombie. It trashes their mind early, and starts to make them think that girls aren't good or fun or nice just because they don't own name-brands. They should be at LEAST 13 before shopping at Abercrombie.

  26. No, I don't think tube tops are appropriate for an 8 year old.  Cute, but not age-appropriate

    The skirt looks like it might be a little too short.  If the bottom of the skirt is the same length as where her fingertips are as when she is standing with her arms at her sides - fine.  If the skirt is shorter than her fingertips then it's too short.  (school rules at my daughter's school).

  27. No the skirt is way too short for a young child to wear.  But  if she wore a jacket over the shirt it would be OK.  Abercrombie really isnt a good store to get clothes for young girls. Try Limited Too, they have more appropriate clothing.

  28. Well you other daughter should have her license taken away.

    That is trashy and not something any female should wear. If either daughter wears that sort of thing then something is wrong. I'd lay down the law loud and clear. I'd also go through the older girls closet and take every inappropriate item out and dump it. She is no role model for the young one.

    If by chance she does not live at home any more I'd limit her access to my young one.

    PS I saw the top and it is less then skimpy. Just tear off a peice of old sheet and she would have more.

    Also maybe we aught send a message to Abercrombie Kids about their choices in what they offer to our innocent young ones and the stupid people buying their clothes and boycott..

  29. AN 8 year old h**l no!!! soon enough theyrll be like a hundred pedafile's in ur front lawn

  30. absolutly not!

    My daughter just turned 8.  No strapless shirts or dresses, I'm not ever crazy about spaghetti straps.  No mini skirts unless there are shorts built in but not a style like that regardless.

    I want to keep her as innocent as long as possible!

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