
Would u let your nine year old ride her bike up town?

by  |  earlier

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population in my town is like...6 thousand or so....

why or why not...





  1. No because someone could kidnap her, rape her and kill her...That is why

  2. Sure I would~~~if she was with a group of friends or maybe an older relative. Alone? Yeah I don't think so. I live in a town of about 1800 and I won't let my daughter ride alone in town. Sure, she's only 7 and we live out of town quite a ways. I won't let her ride bike alone by our house either though because we live on a gravel road that people seem to think is a race track.

    There's safety in numbers so if she's not alone, fine. If she is alone, you'll want to wait a few more years I'd say just for safety's sake and peace of mind.

  3. no, it's just too dangerous..

    There are child predators all over the place.

    I don't care how small your town is.

    Trust NO ONE with your child!

  4. It really depends on how far it is to uptown.

    We live in a very small town with a population of about 3000 people to get from our house to "downtown" is one block so yes my kids ride their bikes.  My rule has always been they can ride as far as I can see which is about three blocks after that the answer is no.

  5. Defo not!!

    Again bcos of dodgy men out there and dodgy people in general unfortunately now!

    I think 9 is still a little too young for things. I think you will obviously have a better knowledge of your town and the people around,and will be able to answer that as we can't for you.

    You can never really trust anybody at the moment.

    To think you came on here for advise shows to me your not too keen on the idea yourself.

    Go with gut instincts but I still say no. :)

  6. I think that u shouldnt only for the fact that there is alot of people in ur town and u dont know what could happen these days, i would wait a few years

  7. no. little girls disappear too easy these days. its not safe

  8. Nine is young for a lot of "stuff".  Riding with a friend or friends may work.

    How about riding with a parent?  My daughter had to be 11 before she could ride outside of her neighborhood.

    Why not? perverts / child abuser .

  9. no. maybe when she is 13

  10. Not alone I wouldn't but if she is with friends it should be okay as long as it's not too far from home.

  11. No, because I feel that 9 years old is much to young to be up town unsupervised.  

  12. No, I wouldn't. Times are totally different now. She is at more of a risk getting kidnapped, lost, lured into a car, accidently hit with oncoming traffic. You just dont know what can happen nowadays. You should get a bike and ride uptown with her! It would be fun, healthy, and safer.

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